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i was severely hung over.

Tom was little to no help with the first years and i'd 'umm-ed' and 'err-ed' my way through the speech, trying not to throw up.

"are there any questions?" i'd asked at the end.

a little ginger kid stuck his hand up.

"yeah?" i'd tried to smile.

"why did you go to Felix Rosier's dorm last night?"

that had sparked a whole load of questions about Felix and parties and sex.

i'd been forced to excuse myself and retreated to the office.

"i hate children," Tom said flatly by way of greeting.

"at least they weren't asking you about your sex life." i muttered, rubbing my head. "which is probably nil."

Tom didn't respond, sitting at his desk and opening his book.

"what is that book?" i asked. "you're always reading it."

"it's mine."

"i guessed," i rolled my eyes. "what's it about?"


"you like that word, don't you?" i leaned back in my chair. "always doing stuff, reading stuff, fucking stuff." my voice rose.

his eyes snapped to mine, looking almost surprised at my outburst.

"yes, Aura," he closed the book and set it down. "matter, material or activities that are being referred to, indicated, or implied."


"stuff." he shrugged as if it were obvious.

"you're fucking insufferable." i rubbed a hand over my face. "i don't like you at all."

"that is a shame," he stood. "we're going to have to get along if we're going to work together." he mimicked my earlier words.

"go jump off the clock tower,"


he crossed over to the door and slammed it behind him.

i slumped back in my chair, releasing a long breath, then i sat up slowly.

hold on...

"wait!" i called, jumping up and hurrying after him. "wait, Tom, i didn't mean that!"

i caught sight of the end of his cloak as he rounded a corner, heading for the stairs.

i broke into a run, trying to catch up with him.

he took the stairs two, then three at a time, never turning back.

"Merlin," i breathed.

he had to be joking—there was no way he'd throw himself off the clock tower...

but i didn't know Tom Riddle at all.

for all i knew, he could do just that.

he reached the second floor, turning left and away from the stairs.

i released a breath, still following even though he wasn't heading for the clock tower anymore, i wanted to be sure.

he walked to the end of the corridor where the closed girls bathroom was.

Bella told me that a few people had been sneaking inside to hook up without being interrupted...

so who was Tom going to see?

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