6. Chocolates and Strawberries

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I take a seat along with Finn as I scan the menu. I wondered how Finn knew this place, considering he moved here very recently. I decided to ask him.

"How do you know this place?"

"Just found it randomly. I've only come here once."

I turned back to the menu. Finn hummed. "Do you want to get one of their specials or something simple?"

"Something simple. A good ol' scoop with some toppings sounds great."

He nodded and went up to the counter. I was a bit confused, I didn't even mention what scoop I wanted to get. Maybe he was ordering for himself.

He came back a few minutes later holding a tray. He gently set it down. It had two bowls, one with a scoop of chocolate ice-cream, and one with strawberry. On the tray there were neat little bowls of toppings. I was surprised. I didn't know they were allowed to give us a bunch of toppings on a tray like that.

He placed the chocolate scoop in front of me and took the strawberry. 

I stared at him curiously. "How did you know I wanted chocolate?"

He was carefully placing chopped strawberries on his scoop. "Lucky guess."

The sight of Finn eating strawberry covered strawberry ice-cream was simply the most adorable thing I had ever seen. I tried not to, but let a little giggle slip. 

He looked up, looking a bit...tense? "What?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, it's just all so cute."

4. He likes strawberry ice-cream, preferably covered in strawberries. 

He didn't reply, he just continued eating. I looked at the tray with a grin and went all out. I drizzled some chocolate syrup, added some chocolate chips, crushed Oreo bits, a wafer stick and a piece of KitKat. 

Finn stared at my masterpiece with an amazed look. "That's... a lot."

I nodded, feeling pretty proud of myself. I grabbed a spoon and took a huge bite, trying to get a bit of everything. I closed my eyes and savored the taste. I let out a contented sigh. 

"How did you manage to get them to give you the toppings anyway?"

He shrugged. "I dunno, I asked and she just gave it to me."

I saw him glancing at me over and over, and finally realized what he wanted. 

He wanted some of this masterpiece too. I pushed my bowl forward and gestured to it. 

"Try some."

He warily tried some, and slowly nodded. "It's... very... chocolate-y."

I stared at him expectantly. "Do you like it?"

He looked conflicted. "It's nice, but way too much chocolate for me."

Fair enough. I finished off the rest of the ice-cream and walked over with Finn as he went up to the counter to pay. 

A pretty blonde girl was tying away on the PC. When she saw us approach, she straightened up and smiled. Finn took out his wallet. "What's the total?"

She smiled again and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, glancing at the screen and reading out our total. Why did her eyes look so big?

I looked at Finn, who was counting out the exact change, and then at the girl. And then it dawned on me. She was totally into him. 

He handed her the cash, and she gently brushed his fingers as she took it from him. Finn didn't even seem to realize what she was trying to hint at. I don't know if this is funny or sad.

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