16. Ben

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"What do you mean you don't need a ride?"

I sighed. I didn't expect Finn to throw a fit when  I told him I was going over to Ryan's place directly from school, and hence, didn't need a ride. 

"I can drop you off at his place."

I raised my eyebrows. "Finn, his house is in the exact opposite direction. You can't 'drop me off' on the way. Besides, if I'm going to Ryan's house, doesn't it make sense for me to go with Ryan?"

He crossed his arms and had the audacity to pout

Oh my god. I gave his shoulder a pat in consolation. He suddenly perked up. "Well, can I pick you up from his place later at least?"

I don't know why he was going through so much effort for me, but I mean, who doesn't love a free ride home. I nodded, and he seemed satisfied with that for the time being. Until I heard Ryan's voice from behind me, and Finn's face instantly turned sour.

"Ready to go, Seb?"

Finn grabbed my hand. "Can you give me your phone? So I can add my number, for you to call me later."

I handed him my phone, and he typed away for a few seconds before returning it. 

I said a quick goodbye to Finn before walking off with Ryan. From the corner of my eye, I could see some barbie doll looking girl approach Finn. My supersonic hearing kicked in and I walked as slow as possible so I could catch their conversation. 

"Heyy, Finn, could I get a ride?"

My throat tightened just a tiny bit, and I wished I had taken his offer of dropping me at Ryan's, even if it didn't make any sense. 

After a few beats of silence, the girl tried again. "Finn?"

His short and sweet reply: "No."

"But why?"

I could only picture his disgruntled face at having to make conversation with people. 

"Because that's Sebastian's seat."

"But he isn't even going with you today!"

I snuck a look at them and I could see Finn getting irritated. "Doesn't matter. Now leave me alone."

The girl walked off with a huff, and I smiled the entire way to Ryan's house. 


Ryan's friends were really fun, and someone had just suggested the idea of playing truth or dare.   For the first few rounds, I just laughed along awkwardly as I had no context, but then it landed on me. The guy opposite to me, his name was Ben, gave me a smile. "Truth or dare?"

I am a huge wimp, so I obviously picked truth. 

"If you had to date one person in this room, who would it be?"

I cringed internally. I looked at my options. There were three girls, and one of them winked at me. I wasn't sure how to respond to that. 

Apart from them, there were three guys, Ryan, Ben, and a third guy. 


Ben laughed. "Don't be shy, Seb, there's three girls right there."

The same girl made a kissy face, and everyone laughed.

"Well, but like- I'm gay."

I was horrified the moment those words left my mouth. I had said it without thinking, and had no idea how these people were. Fear filled my body as I looked at Ben's face. 

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