19. He has friends?!

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I took another bite out of my burger and snuck a glance at Finn on the other side of the cafeteria. We'd gotten closer since the day on the roof.  But since I usually sat with my friends at lunch, he was by himself. I'd invited him many times, but he always said he doesn't like people. 

While I was distracted, Theo already managed to get a bite out of my burger. I glared at him, but he just gave me an impish smile. It was just the two of us lately, Jenny always claimed she had something to do, but I never saw her anywhere. I'm sure that mystery would answer itself in due time. 


I looked at Theo, waiting for him to continue.

"I have some work to do."

I set down my burger. "You just said you were bored with how much free time you have."

He shrugged. "I lied. I actually have something super important."

"Can't you do it later? You didn't even finish your lunch."

He shoved the entire remaining half of his sandwich into his mouth in one go. 

"I did fiwish it." He mumbled out through his stuffed mouth. Oh my god.

He dusted off his hands and got up. "Since you'll be alone anyways, I think you should go sit with Finn." 

I shot another glance at Finn, but he was already looking at me. Trying not to get flustered, I coughed slightly. "You think so?"

He nodded. "Go."

I hid a smile and went over to Finn's table. "Hope you don't mind me joining you."

"Not at all."

He was staring at Theo leaving with a thoughtful look. "You have good friends."

I nodded. I was grateful for those two, they'd been around for years. They've seen it all, my first relationship (which was a disaster), the time I'd torn my pants in class, and almost every embarrassing incident since I was a child. 

"I really think you'd like Theo. You don't have to if you don't want to, but you could always come hang out with us."

As expected, he replied with a "Nah, you're more than enough for me."

I blushed about 1500 times a day on average around Finn. How could I not when he keeps saying things like that?

He finished off his lunch. "You know, I did have some friends before I moved. Most of them just decided we were friends with no input from me, so I'm not sure if they count."

I stopped eating and stared at him in wonder. For some reason, Finn having a group of friends was an incredibly unusual visual. I wanted to know more. Hell, I wanted to know everything about Finn. 

"What were they like?"

I had hoped for some details, but it's Finn. He gave a typical Finn answer. 

"They were alright."

I groaned. "Be a bit more descriptive, c'mon." 

He tilted his head slightly, as though trying to think. "Well, we lived close to the beach, so we'd play beach volleyball often. Ben used to live there too, but he moved years ago. I didn't expect to see him here."

His jaw clenched as he remembered Ben. The mention of his name alone pissed me off. I placed my hand on top of Finn's and squeezed it gently. 

He sighed. "He was always out to get me, I'm not sure why. But yeah, that's why he- you know. Everyone else was nice though."

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