41. Who is Jeremy?

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Jenny and Jessica left, and Ryan decided to leave too. Once they were all gone, we all turned to look at Anna.

Theo fake coughed. "We all sensed a moment there, right?"

Anna's face went red and she swatted Theo's arm. "Shut it!"

He continued, ignoring Anna. "She was a punk, she did ballet-"

Finn nodded. "She looked at you like she just saw an angel."

Anna paused, her eyes lighting up. "Really?"

I patted her hand. "I've never seen her look like that. You're in for a ride, Anna."

She rolled her eyes, denying anything we said. A few minutes later the rest of us decided to leave too.

Just as I was about to leave, I felt a small poke on my arm. I turned to see Anna, fidgeting with her fingers and looking everywhere but at me.

I waited for her to go on, and she looked around to see if anyone else would hear her before continuing.

"Sebastian, um... could you tell me her name?"

I grinned. "Her name's Jessica. And she's 19."

She thanked me and walked away, and I could see the smile she was trying to hide.

I felt a light peck against my cheek. "Shall we go, baby?"

Finn and I decided to hang out at my place for a while longer. We were lazing around on his bed, when Finn suddenly spoke up.

"Sebastian, can I ask you something?"

I motioned for him to go on. He paused, and said his next words very slowly.

"Who is Jeremy?"

My brain short circuited for a second as I gave him a funny look.

"Who Jeremy?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "When I had called Jessica to pick Jenny up the other day, she thought I was some guy named Jeremy."

I gave a forced smile. "Oh, him. Haha."

Finn gave me a weird look, and I knew he wasn't gonna drop this anytime soon.

I sighed. "He's my ex. Well, not really an ex, I guess. It was ridiculous."

Finn frowned slightly, but waited for me to finish.

"Back in ninth grade or so, he would drop all these hints. He'd call me pretty names and give me little gifts and everything, and it's not like he did it to everyone else. It was only to me."

I cringed at the memory. "Naturally, I thought he liked me. Now that I look back on it, I don't think I ever really liked him either, but I thought I did. I was so excited to have my first real relationship."

I groaned and used the couch pillow to cover my face, which muffled my voice. But I really was quite embarassed of this story.

"So I asked him out. And he turned me down, sputtering and everything. He said I misunderstood everything and he never liked me in that way."

I felt the pillow being pulled off my face. Cupping my cheeks, Finn peered down at me, the frown still on his face. He placed a kiss on my forehead and hugged me tightly.

I patted his arm. "It's not a very sad memory or anything, it's just so embarassing. I wasn't heartbroken, I was mortified."

I buried my face in the crook of his neck, face red. "But that's not even the worst part."

"We had this weird version of prom for ninth graders, I'm not sure why they held it. But anyway, Jeremy decided to ask me out in front of the whole school, with a board saying 'Will you platonically go to prom with me?'"

"What a jerk." Finn mumbled. I giggled at that.

"He looked so nervous too, I don't know for what. And if he wanted us to go as friends, why do it with a sign and flowers and everything? It was ridiculous."

Finn had a pout on his face. I leaned upward and kissed him softly. "I turned him down, of course. He moved away that year, saying he'll return in a few years. I personally wished he'd never return, and it's been true so far."

Finn stroked my back absentmindedly, thinking about something deeply.

"Is that why you never saw how big of a crush I had on you, Sebastian?"

I nodded. "I never ever assumed someone's interest in me after that. Also, you weren't that obvious."

He gave me a look. "Baby, literally everyone had caught on except you."

I shrugged. "Well, I'm glad it all worked out. I have the boyfriend of my dreams now."

He smiled and snuggled into me, which was a bit hard because he was larger than me.

"I wish I'd met you earlier, baby." He mumbled out.

I caressed his hair slowly. "Me too, love. Me too."

He soon fell into a light sleep, and I slowly wriggled out from under him as I wasn't feeling sleepy.

I walked around his room, staring at the things on his desk, smiling when I saw a framed picture of us. 

I took a notepad from his desk and wrote little notes, hiding it around his room, silently giggling to myself.

I decided to hide one at the bottom of his desk drawer too. As I moved his stationery aside, I paused as my fingers came in contact with a small box of cigarettes.

I pulled it out and stared at it for a moment. I had forgotten Finn smoked.

I heard a soft grunt as Finn's strong arms enveloped my waist from behind me. He laid his head on my shoulder, swaying us slightly.

"You're awake." I said, as he nodded against me, still sleepy.

His eyes focused on what I was holding. "Oh. I forgot to throw those out."

I hummed lightly. "I don't see you smoking these days. I had almost forgotten you smoke."

He hugged me a little tighter. "I quit."

I turned around, still in his grasp, pleasantly surprised. "Why?"

He smiled softly. "You always sat farther away from me whenever I smoked or smelled of smoke. And I-"

He kissed my cheek, gripping my waist with a little more force.

"I always want you near me. So, I quit."

I was stunned. I had no idea.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even realise I was-"

He placed a finger on my lips, cutting me off. "No, don't apologise. I'm thankful. I would've never found the will to do it otherwise."

I laid my head against his chest, feeling so light and happy.

"I'm so proud of you, love."

He placed a kiss on the side of my head, whispering into my hair,

"Thank you so much for coming into my life, Sebastian."

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