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The stack of books is balanced tightly against my chest, threatening to tumble to the floor at any second as I make my way to the library. The halls are eerily quiet, the only sound the soft echo of my footsteps against the stone floor.

While my friends are probably laughing it up by the Gryffindor common room fireplace, I'm stuck here, facing the prospect of a study session with Snape.

Lucky blokes, not obligated to spend the evening sprawled over textbooks, debating dark arts with Snape.

Life just isn't fair.

As I navigate through the corridors, a sense of unease gnaws at the edges of my mind. The mere thought of debating the dark arts with Snape, who's notorious for his interests in the subject, sends shivers down my spine. But I gather my courage, knowing that I have to brace myself for a long evening.

Luckily, I come prepared.

I spent a free period scouring the shelves in the library for books related to the use of Unforgivable Curses and wizarding laws. And right now I'm walking back with the books.

They may still be unread. But at least it'll look like I know something about the subject.

Just as I turn a corner, I collide with another person, the force sending me — and my books — tumbling to the ground. I let out a groan of frustration watching them scatter across the floor, some landing on the foot of the person I've bumped into.

"Sweet Salazar!" A deep voice cries out in pain.

I look up and see Regulus Black, clutching his foot and trying to balance himself on the other one.

"Watch where you are — Davies?" he says, his voice softening when he sees me.

“Hello.” I murmur, our last encounter is still very clear in my head and I wonder if he has been thinking about it too.

He looks down at the books, scattered all around us. I can't help but notice a hint of amusement in his eyes. "You've got quite the collection here. What did you do? Rob a library?"

"I have a study session," I reply quickly, adding, as he raises his eyebrows, and smirk, "I have a group assignment with Snape, you perv!"

I could have sworn I heard him mutter, "Whatever you say," as I bend down to collect my books, but I don't want to confront him about it. It's not the first time someone has made assumptions about me, and I know better than to give them the satisfaction of thinking I care. Quickly, I start gathering my books, desperate to put some distance between us and the awkwardness of running into him.

Regulus Black reaches down to pick up one of the books, examining the front page with mild interest.

"Wands, Words, and Wrongs: The Legal Landscape of Unforgivables," he reads aloud, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Sounds riveting."

"Oh, it's a real page-turner, let me tell you. Now hand it over, Black," I say sternly, attempting to retrieve the book from his grasp.

"Why so cold? You seemed pretty hot and flustered last time we met," a playful smirk finds its way to his face as he speaks.

Don't look at his lips.

Regulus Black stand more than a head taller than me, and as he hold the book over his head, I instinctively tiptoe trying to retrieve it, my face inches from his.

I can feel his breath and balance myself by placing a palm on his chest.


I spin around to find Severus Snape, his dark eyes fixed on us, a hint of suspicion in his gaze.

"Did I interrupt something?" Snape's voice is cold and composed.

I hastily straighten up, my cheeks tinged with embarrassment.

"No, Severus, I was just helping your study partner." Regulus, his smirk still in place, hands the book back to me. "Here you go. I'll see you around, Davies."

He gave Snape a curt nod before heading off.


"—As I said, I find it hard to believe there's ever a justifiable reason for using the Imperius Curse," I state firmly.

Snape leans forward, frustration etching his features. "There are situations where it could be the only option."

"'The only option'?" I gesture with my fingers, forming imaginary quotation marks in the air. "The moment we start justifying such a violation of free will, we're no better than the ones we are fighting... well, some of us are," I add the last part under my breath, and Snape chooses to ignore it.

"You're being idealistic, Davies. Desperate times call for desperate measures," he asserts, leaning back slightly.

We have already spent an hour in the library, yet we have only managed to write down our names on the parchment. The rest of the time has been consumed by our heated debate over the findings from the books. It's shaping up to be a long night.

I sigh, but before I can speak, Snape cuts me off.

"We can agree that the curse is labelled as 'unforgivable' for a reason and that in ordinary circumstances, it should be prohibited by law. However, historically, we know that the curse has been used by 'the good guys'..." He mimics me by making quotation marks in the air as I had just done. "... to fight evil."

"We can't ignore the potential for abuse," I point out.

"Believe it or not, I agree. But we'll never make progress by tackling every aspect of the assignment together. How about you look into the legal ramifications while I look into the historical records? We can meet up in three days to combine our findings."

I consider his proposal, "Fine, but we'll craft the conclusion together. I refuse to submit an assignment that is..."

"Yes, I understand, Davies," he interjects, already partitioning the books and passing a stack to me.

"Why the rush? Got a date?" I tease as I accept the books.

His eyes flicker between me and the door.

Curious, I follow his gaze, which seems fixed on a group of Slytherins entering the library. Mulciber leads the group, casting a suspicious glance towards Snape upon seeing me at his table.

"Prior commitments," he replies, his voice taking on a darker tone, "and I'd rather not be seen conversing with the likes of you."

"I'm half-blood. You know, we are really not that different!" I defend myself.

"Are we?" Snape mutters under his breath, then turns to join the group that has just entered.

I watch him go, catching the eye of one of the boys whose name I can't recall. He looks at me with a smirk, licking his lips. Discomfort washes over me as he stares, looking like a predator finding its prey. Swiftly, I gather my belongings and books, storming out before any of them can make unwelcome advances.

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