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As Tom drove everyone to the hospital in his mums mini van I couldn't help but notice the small photos of Bill and Tom stacked in the cup holder beside the passenger seat.

I picked them up out of curiosity, some was with his mum and brother, some with I presume to be their dad as it wasn't rob. I saw in one, Bill and Tom standing together out the front of a yacht, with their thought to be dad, all huddled together, on a hot day, Bill had a green vest on Tom didn't have a shirt on, and his dad didn't either, I couldn't help but smile at the small photo, he seemed so happy.

"Why are you looking at those." Tom says snatching them out of my hand and dumping them back I to the cup holder.

"Are you embarrassed?" I asked with a cheeky smile.

"That doesn't matter." He said in moody tone.

"Don't be embarrassed, you looked cute."I said grabbing the deck of photos up again and looking through them.

I found another one, it caught me off guard Tom with not locks?

"Wow, you look different, with no dreads." I breathed out in shock. Tom chuckled a little.

"Your hair was so straight, and I mean PIN straight, not one curl." I examined.

"Put those down, I looked so dumb as a kid." He huffed.

"No you were cute... never thought I'd see the day of Tom being embarrassed!" I giggled.

"Oh shut up, I can kick you put of this car right now and you can walk home, and I'll start actually bulling you at school again, not just faking it. You wouldn't want that would you?" He said in a joking yet serious tone. I laughed a little before answering.

"Who said didn't want that in the first place, you know what I like, don't act as if you don't know me." I heard a gagging noise come from the back. I completely forgot Bill was concious, let alone here.

I reached  my hand over the back and hit him as hard as I could from that angle, it obviously didn't work course all I gained was a laugh. And a "loser".


After making it to the hospital, simone was taken straight to a room to get checked on.

Bill was put into a room that we were allowed to enter at the time, but Simone needed x rays and needed her head checked on so we couldn't see her for the time.

Although when the doctor came to tell us what had happened, he explained that she had a broken rib amd minor concussion. So she would have to stay for a couple days.

He brought us to what I expect to be maybe his or someone else's office, to talk to us in about what exactly happened with Simone. He gave both of us chair and sat down and opened a laptop to type stuff in, surely to show to the police.

Tom started speaking. "Rob's pretty abusive, he hasn't broken any of her bones but it's always been bad, hurting her and my brother and I. He usually doesn't do it around guests, but he does do it if he walks in on me having sex with someone, at that point he doesn't care... besides that, me and kiara, were... yknow, then when we finished, she had a shower. Thenrob came home and was talking to em in my room when she walks out, he says some shit about it, then leaves, she dressed in some of my clothes. That's when we heard the banging and shit downstairs, so we followed and we found my brother fighting with him. And my mother on the ground. I pushed Bill away as he was lost out just like my mum, and then, knocked him out, the drove him real far away, dropped him off then came back with stuff to clean Bill and my mum up, but at that point kiara thought it wa sbest to come here. So that what we did." He explained.

The doctor wrote down key
Things in the whole explanation, then turned his towards us.

"We will give this to the police and we can give you further information, well keep Simone here, not let any one who might seem like Rob in, and if we do well call you or your brother to come check, and we'll let thenperson in after you give us a thumbs up, I also think you should maybe keep some sort of defence around your house, maybe some steel knuckles, or some pepper spray. Nothing that can seriously hurt him, becuase that could get you in some trouble, no matter if it defe.ce or not. Just something that can slow him down so you can get away amd call the police." The doctor says, with his doctor hand gesture shit that all doctors do.

We leave the office and see Bill waiting there outside the office on a seat, that is placed just beside the door. He had a couple stitches in his brow, and a black eye but that was just about it. He stood up and told us that, he was able to be released becuase it was nothing too serious.


As Tom drove back home, I decided to call my mother and tell her I was going to stay the night at "Kelly's" she doesn't know Kelly, cuz I made her up. Saying she was a new friend.


After getting back to Tom's place, I felt super hungry, so I grabbed some snacks... obviously. Then headed to Tom's room where he was waiting.

As I entered I saw him lying on his side, back facing me, watching some comedy show on his tv. I wonder how fat I can get with the fact he's not gonna be the fucking "big boy" or "man" he is?

I creeped over to his bed making sure not to make tok much sound, I placed down my snacks on his beside table, and slowly and softly lyed beside him. He didn't move so I think I'm good to press some more buttons.

I slowly placed my arm around his naked waist. I felt him stop breathing for a second then slowly calm down. He inched his hand closer to mine, and lightly resting it on my hand before holding it tightly.

Toms POV
I felt kiaras hand rest on my waist cuddling me, I paused for a moment, what if someone sees? I'll be fucked! Kiara can't see me like this!

No, she can. She knows me, who I am, what I do why I do it, what happened and is happening in my life, I can trust her. My breathing softens, I calm down a little. Kiaras fingers drawing shapes on my abs.

I slowly and cautiously move my hand on top of hers resting it there, I'm so scared, why the fuck am I scared!?!? I squeeze her hand in attempted to distract myself from my feelings. She pulls me closer to herself, bring her other arm under me and holding me, I hold her hands. I'm still scared. I feel my face becoming hot.

The bed shifts a little, and a shadow appearing above my face. She's trying to look at me! She can't see me blushing! I'll do anything but let her see me like this, in this state.

I quickly turn my body to face her, burrowing my head in her boobs to hide my face, I hold her tight and.close so she can't move to see me.

I hear her gasp and pat my head. "Is the Tom kaulitz blushing!?" She wisper-yelled. I burrow my head deeper into her cleavage, embarrassed, she knows.

Kiara giggles a little before laying down fully again, patting my let down dreads, fondling with them in-between her fingers as she continues to watch the show I had on.

All I could smell, was her. That sweet yet spicey flower aroma, engulfed me. Putting me in a trance of my own mind, her smile, her laugh, her soft hands amd skin, those beautiful eyes, her great curves, that cute nose. Her. She is all I can think of. I feel a little tingle in my stomach, and I let out a tiny teenage girl giggle when she has a crush on some boy kind of giggle. I suppose kiara heard becuase she stopped playing with my dreads and chuckled a little before continuing.

Why the fuck did I do that? I'm totally fan girling over her. I just want to have her so close to me, inside me, it feels like I'm missing something inside me, and my stomach tickles, I don't like this.

Short chapter but I needed to post, um so I did lie, but that besides the point that I didn't post like the day I said I would, I. Sorry but, school exists and so does my lazy arse sleeping for the whole holidays but any way luv yous and hope you like this chapter cuz I have absolutely no motivation for this atm, so it took SOOOOO long and I don't feel like I just wrote this for no reason, is a bit boring tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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