Chapter 2

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By the time the concert started I forgot all about the jerk from earlier.

The music sucked me in, body and soul, and I couldn't tell you my name even if it was written on the back of my hand. My heart beat in sync with the drums, the guitar reverberated through my body, lighting every nerve ending on fire.

Ivy danced her legs off, sipping from her drink from time to time.

There was a couple next to me, both middle aged, and the woman was looking at us — Ivy, me and the whole crowd around — like we were out of our minds. It was a rock concert; no one here was completely sane. Before the first half ended, they were gone. I felt bad for her husband since he really seemed to be enjoying himself.

But I didn't care, not really.

Singer's face took up the screens on the stage and my breath hitched in my throat. That's why the jerk from earlier seemed so familiar.

He was the guy on the stage. The guy on the stage was him.

I looked over to Ivy, who was already gaping back at me. "How did we not recognise him?"

I shrugged in answer. We didn't really expect to be face to face with someone like him, and what you don't expect is easy enough to miss.

Fate really was a bitch.


The concert ended around eleven thirty and we had enough energy from the hype of it all that thoughts about going home were not even an option.

"Let's go get a drink," I suggested and Ivy gladly agreed.

"That. Was. Awesome."

I let out a long, agreeing mhmm. Probably the beat concert I have ever been to.

We took a cab to our favourite bar and walked into a packed space.

"This place is never this full."

Ivy just nodded her head, making our way to our usual table. It was occupied and we already wanted to turn around and look for another one, when someone called my name.

"Marlene." It was Scott.

I looked over my shoulder and saw him motioning for us to join them, so I glanced towards Ivy to see if she's okay with that.

"His friends are hot, of course we'll go over," she smiled indecently. I threw my head back and laughed.

"I love you."

"I know."

Scott nudged his friend to scoot over, making room for me to take a sit next to him. Ivy took one opposite of us, right next to a charming looking guy with black hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. He smirked suggestively and someone might be offended, but not Ivy, since she was never big on that whole dating scene and was mostly just looking for a good hook-up buddy. Or a one night stand.

She gave him little to no attention while still making it clear she was interested, he was just going to have to work for her. The challenge lit up his eyes that raked her body over and over again.

Scott and I simultaneously chuckled.

"Hello, I'm Marvin," the guy with blonde hair next to Scott introduced himself.

"Tom," said the guy that was eye fucking Ivy. He introduced himself more to her than me.


"And what's your name?" Tom asked my friend in a sultry voice.

She smirked, throwing him a sideways glance and a, "I'm Ivy."

He leaned in and growled something in her ear. He was nothing if not straightforward, which I knew Ivy liked. She detested guys that didn't know what they wanted or how to get it.

I'm going to have to sleep with plugs in, won't I?

"So, how did you like the concert?"

Scott prompted his head with his fist and leaned a bit into me. I was grateful for the distraction from the kind of uncomfortable tension from across the table.

"I loved it. It was...amazing."

We fell into a comfortable conversation, discussing everything and everyone. At some point Marvin stood up and said something about being sick of us, and finding himself someone to be sickening with too. Scott and Tom barely said goodbye.

The night was slowly moving towards the morning and people were quickly dropping out of the bar until it was just us and a couple of groups in another corner.

That was when a group of guys stormed in, visibly drunk and delirious with joy. "Johnny!" one of them yelled. "Pour me something strong and celebratory!"

It was the guitarist of one of my favourite bands. My eyes found him immediately.

The jerk. Aka the lead singer of one of my favourite bands. Aka Braxton Pfeiffer.

This night is equally great and stupid.

Other members of the band around him cheered and they all sat around the bar.

"Is that..." Scott's mouth gaped open.

"Yes, it most certainly is."

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my girls. Hothead and Clumsy."

Braxton's voice was illegally raspy, hot, it purred like the strongest engine, his words seemed to literally roll of his tongue. It wasn't fair what it was. He was supposed to be matching his personality, not being a gorgeous, tall, toned man, with a seductive voice.

Ivy's grip on her glass tightened, but other than that she didn't even acknowledge him. I saw how that irked him — he probably wasn't used to women ignoring him. She continued talking to Tom like nothing happened.

He turned to me, his eyes dark with mischief. "You bumped into this guy too?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business."

Scott was still too starstruck to do anything about the annoying presence at our table — I fought real hard not to roll my eyes.

Braxton flashed a white-teethed smile. Good grace, even his teeth are as perfect as they can be.

"Everything is my business if I decide so. I can do whatever I want."

For the love of all that is good and pure, I might just end up in prison for life because of this man.

He leaned even closer and his alcohol scented breath reached my nose. I fought tooth and nail to hold in the vomit and tears. I was not going to cry in front of anybody, least of all him.

Scott finally snapped out of his trance and said in a semi-hard voice, "You should leave."

Braxton took him in, a small smile tugging at his lips, gave us a once over and left the table.

I finally let out my breath.

I hated people like him and I hated it even more when they mixed with alcohol. It never brought any good.

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