Chapter 12 - Bonus

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Her lips were hot to the touch, when Alexander pulled away from Maya to take a breath. His hands felt so nicely tight on her hips, his hard chest pushing into hers, pressing her against the wall.

He kissed her jaw, her neck, her collarbone, and she couldn't contain the small moan escaping her lips. Alexander smiled beside her skin, his teeth lightly grazing it.

"You like that, Maya?"

She could only nod.

"Come on, use your words, princess."

She bit her lip, "Yes."

"Good," he said and kissed her hard again.

Her fingers wove in his hair, tugging at them, but pulling him in closer and closer and closer, until she felt the bulge in his pants pressing up against her.

She ground her hips on his and his palm flattened on the wall.

Alexander pulled her by the hand, leading them to one of the rooms in the apartment, when a shout erupted amid the crowd.

"What happened?" she asked Braxton as they emerged from the hallway.

His face was cold like that of a marble statue, as Marlene went down and Scott caught her in his arms.

"Oh my god!" Maya yelped, springing forward to help her.

"Shit," Scott cursed. He yelled instructions on what to do, then hoisted her on his arms and carried her to the bathroom.

Braxton followed them with his gaze but did nothing else to show his thoughts on the occurrence.


When they made sure Marlene was okay, Alexander and Maya took a sit on the couch next to one of the guys that came with her.

"She'll be alright, she's got Scott taking care of her," Marvin said when he noted the concern etched on Maya's face.

"Yeah, I know. She seems tough."

Alexander leaned his head backwards on the sofa, his eyes glazing over like he was deep in thought.

Maya ran her fingers through his hair in a gentle motion. "Penny for your thoughts?"

He remained silent, staring at the ceiling. She caught a glimpse of Marvin, observing them intensely and curiously, and she didn't know if it was the alcohol that gave her that newfound boldness or sheer interest, but she climbed on Alexander's lap and kissed him. His hand needed less than a heartbeat to settle on her hips, sliding down and squeezing her ass teasingly.

She turned her face halfway to Marvin, so Alexander focused on her neck instead, until he noted her stare and looked at the bystander too.

They both observed him, curious as to what he would do next. Her eyes gleamed with an unspoken challenge, daring him to do something.

Alexander exchanged a knowing look with her and shifted, she moved off him, then they made their way through the crowd and towards the front door.

"You sure?" he asked her before he turned the doorknob to leave.

"I am if you are."

Alexander nodded and opened the door. A beat passed but then Marvin appeared next to them.

"Where to?"

Maya looked from Alexander to him and back. "My place, I don't have a roommate."


She could barely contain her excitement during the five minute drive to her apartment. The way Alexander's fingers gripped the steering wheel and the knowledge that Marvin was sitting just behind her, knowing what they were about to do...She squirmed in her seat, pressing her thighs together, desperate for some, any, friction.

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