Our new Captain

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Crew-mate log: 29/10/2048 

It's been 2 months, six days and 4 hours since the loss of our Captain Blade. The new arrival of the Captain's son, should run smoothly.

Everyone is focusing on getting their tasks complete, making sure the ship is in ship shape. Systems were normal and running. 

Around late afternoon he arrived. In the same Green spacesuit his Father wore before him.  He walked in inspecting every little detail around the cafeteria. 

He greeted everyone with a slight nod and smile. He wasn't very fond of new people. Everyone smiled back and took the hint to carry on with their tasks. 

Limey was in electrical fixing wires, connecting each side to create one wire. 

Then in came Lucy, she was the ray of sunshine out of all crew mates. She wore a rose space suit with a small flower on her helmet (it helps with the home sickness). 

"LIMEY!!" she squealed with joy, this made limey jump, nearly electrocuting himself. He turned to look at the joyful crew mate with a look of alarm. 

"Lucy you should be careful, i could have electrocuted myself."  He wasn't mad, he knew Lucy didn't mean it.  See here's the thing about Limey, he's a chill guy but likes to get the job done. He's the red crew mate of the ship but a tragic event happened with an alien parasite  that caused him to have half his body reborn into some sort of robot tech, that the scientists developed during this dangerous time. He just wants the impostors gone.

"Sorry limey, i'm just glad that you're well and alive you know, anyway i have to download data." she stands over the vent and starts her download from the data base to her tablet.

" hmmm...I don't like the look nor sound of our new captain. i have a bad feeling" the thought of the captain made his skin crawl.

"oh come on limey, give the poor new guy a chance." the bubbly crew mate giggles and exits electrical with her downloaded data.

Mean while...

The captain was looking around med bay checking files of each of the crew mates, everything was in check the tests were running smoothly. Of course they were. He felt the team had full potential and were a good team. 

He was about to finally submit his scan, 3 seconds to spare till...

Crash, the captain was pushed into test tube racks, leaving a crack in his helmet. This unknown creature attacked biting, scratching at the helmet. The helmet was thrown to the side as he ran towards the door. 

The doors were SABOTAGED. The unknown creature leaped at the captains face,  as he turned. The captain tossed turned trying to pull this thing away, it was no use the failed experiment had already won.

The creature crawled itself down the crew-mate's oesophagus, closing up the air way pipes making it hard for him breath gagging, sputtering  on his own spit and blood. He grabbed onto his own neck. His blood being infected, his eyes shooting red quickly, skin becoming pale quickly. Tears were forming his insides were being ripped apart. His heart malnourished quickly. his lungs slowly being disintegrated into small pools of acid. 

Soon he laid there panic in his eyes. The doors opened and Venter came running  in.

"WOAH DUDE!?" rushing over Venter helped the helpless crew mate. 

"Don't worry, i just hit my head and panicked. Nothing to major"

Venter bought the lie and picked up the helmet finding a name in small letters on the side of the helmet, bringing out tape.

"Don't worry charlie, i get it theres a little guy running around tryna scare us all, failed experiment, we are all scared. Just be careful okay?"  He handed the helmet back and cleaned up the mess. 

Venter was the janitor of the place always cleaning the vents and doing the trash. Most (in his own words) Raddest dude on the ship. 

"Thanks, by the way you can call me Rat, a lot of people use it as a nickname, besides i would love to be great friends with you." Rat smiled.

"oh sick Rat, weird nickname for such a nice guy but hey-ho" and with that Venter left. 

Rat felt a weird sensation in him after Venter left. It felt like....

Desire? A need, a pleasure that had to be  fulfilled, soon and fast. And this, this was a dangerous one. 


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