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When I woke up the next morning I didn't know where I was. I was so use to waking up on a park bench every morning. 'How did I get here?' I wondered. Then I remembered what happened yesterday and relaxed. I stretched a little before slowly getting out of bed. As I walked into the bathroom I decided to take a shower. I didn't have any clean clothes to change into, but I didn't know when I would be able to wash my body again. So I took grabbed some towels that the Inn had provided and set them on the sink countertop. I turned the shower on and wanted for the water to heat up. I found some soap, shampoo, shaving cream, and disposable razors.

I was surprised that the Inn had all of this stuff, but I was grateful that they did. Once the water was hot enough I stepped into the shower. I let the relaxing water cascade down my body for a while. Then I lathered my hair in shampoo. I took my time as I washed to make sure I got every inch of my body. I also shaved off all of my unwanted body hair as well. I stayed in the shower a little longer than I had to. When I stepped out I dried off feeling refreshed and clean. There was a knock on the door to the hallway, and I figured that it might be housekeeping. So I wrapped myself in a large towel and walked out of the bathroom.

When I opened the door I blushed when I saw Barns standing there. He had several bags on the floor near his feet. They looked like shopping bags to me. "Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting you. I didn't know you weren't dressed." He said, blushing a little as well. "It's okay. At least I'm covered up." I replied shyly. I felt so embarrassed, but I figured that he probably felt the same way. "I um... I bought you some clothes. I guessed on what size you wear, so I hope they fit." He said as he picked up the bags that were on the floor. I invited him inside the room and he walked in. He closed the door behind him with his foot.

"Thank you. You've been very kind to me, and I really appreciate it. But... I don't know how I can repay you for all of this." I said, feeling a little worried. I didn't have anything to give him in exchange for the things he bought. Nothing except for the coffee can of change that I had collected yesterday. "You don't have to repay me. Here, try some of the clothes on. If they don't fit I'll return them." He replied with a small smile. I took a couple of the bags, making sure the towel kept me covered. Then I went into the bathroom to try the clothes on. When I saw underwear and bras in one of the bags I had to repress a giggle.

Imagining him buying woman's underwear and bras just seemed funny to me. I was thankful that everything he bought fit me. Some things were a little big, but I actually like having some baggy clothing. Just because they feel comfortable. I walked out wearing a new pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a pair Vans shoes with flames on the sides. "Did everything fit?" He asked curiously when I joined him in the bedroom. "Yeah, everything fit. Thank you." I replied with a smile. "Good. I also got you this. You can keep your belongings in it." He said as he pulled a brown leather backpack out of a bag.

I was surprised at everything he had bought me. Especially when it came to the backpack. Even I did have belongings I just carried everything in a plastic bag. But they always got torn and ruined. "Thank you, again. I... I don't wanna seem rude, but... why are you being so kind to me?" I asked curiously. Usually when people treat homeless folk this well they're looking for something in exchange. And since homeless people don't have money they're looking for sex. If he was expecting that then he could take everything back. I didn't want to have to sleep with someone to not be homeless. Not that I have any judgement for those who take that rout. It's just... not for me.

"I know what it's like to fall on hard times. I was homeless once, but fortunately I had friends to help me out. Even stranger were kind enough to let me sleep on their sofas." He said with a sympathetic look in his blue eyes. "So... you're just helping me because you kinda went through the same thing?" I asked as relief washed over me. "I just wanna pay it forward I guess you could say." He replied. I thanked him once more and I folded the clothes he had bought me. Then I put them in the leather backpack. "I'll be in town for a few days. I can keep paying for your room so you don't have to sleep on the streets." He said after a few moments of comfortable silence.

I couldn't help but feel so grateful for his kindness and generosity. No one had ever done anything like this for me before. "Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked curiously. Wondering why he was staying in town for a while. He furrowed his brows a little and thought for a minute. "Well... I'll be kinda busy for the rest of the day. Could you pick up these books for me at the library?" He asked as he handed me a folded sheet of paper. "Sure." I replied as I took the paper and put it into my pocket. "Oh, and take this too. There should be enough to for your breakfast and lunch. We can go out for dinner if you want to. If not we can get takeout; whatever you feel like doing." He said.

I was surprised that he gave me money, but I guess he trust me with it. We said our goodbyes and he left my room. I decided to take a walk to the nearby McDonald's. I knew it would be cheaper than Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, or an independent owned coffee shop. I felt bad for not going to a family owned business, but I was on a budget. A budget that didn't belong to me; I didn't wanna spend all of Barns's money. Especially since he has been so generous and kind to me. I didn't want him to think I was taking advantage of that kindness. When I entered the restaurant I looked at the menu for a moment.

I ended up deciding to order a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit sandwich. I also got a large coffee as well. After paying for my food I took a seat at one of the tables. As I ate I watched people coming in and out. When I was finished eating I threw my trash away. Then I walked to the local library to pick up the books Barns wanted. When I walked into the library I was met with refreshingly cool air. Even though it was fall, the weather was a little unseasonably warm. I smiled softly at the smell of old books. It had been years since I last stepped foot into a library. 'I better get a new library card. Mine is probably expired' I suddenly thought.

So I walked up to the main desk. "How can I help you?" A tall woman with long salt and pepper hair asked me. She seemed kind and I was thankful for that. Some librarians can be crabby. "I would like to get a new library card, please." I said awkwardly. "Sure. Let me get you the papers you need to fill out." She replied happily before diapering into the back room. A few moments later she returned with a couple sheets of paper. "Just hand the papers to me when you're finished." She said as she gave me a pen to write with. "Okay." I replied. I walked over to a nearby table and took a seat.

I hesitated when it came to writing down my address. I didn't exactly have an address at the moment. I thought for a few minutes and decides to just put down the Inn's address. Once I was finished filling everything out, I walked back to the main desk to hand them in. She looked them over and typed the information into a computer. "Alright, all I need is for you to write your signature on the back of your card." She said as she handed me my new library card. I did as she told me and I was free to look around. I took the sheet of paper Barns had given me out of my pocket. When I unfolded it I was surprised to see what kinds of books he wanted.

• "Across Dimensions" by Arnold Francis

• "Through The Time Vortex" by Wesley Jenkins

• "The Art of Time Travel" by H.S. Clark

• "Beyond Earth" by Tera Hatch

• "Messages From The Stars" by Amelia Street

• "Unraveling Mystic Powers" by Alfred Gruner

'What does he want with books like these?' I wondered as I looked for them on the shelves. None of the books he listed were works of fiction either. They were informational books. I figured I would just ask him when we met up later. When I managed to find all of the books I looked around for myself. I decided to pick out "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes mysteries have always been a comfort to me, and I didn't wanna turn down the opportunity to read them again. After that I checked out all of the books at the main desk.

"Oh wow! It looks like you'll be doing a lot for reading." The woman I spoke to before said. "Yeah, I will." I replied with a smile. When I got back to the Inn I just sat and relaxed as I read Sherlock Holmes stories.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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