Young In America

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Everything ended with being thrown into the ground again. But at least this time it wasn't as painful. I rubbed my eyes before opening them. We were back in the little clearing where the sun dial was. I slowly sat up and looked around, taking in my surroundings. Instead of night it was daylight outside. The sun was just peaking over the horizon. I glanced over to where the sun dial was and noticed that it wasn't there anymore. 'What happened to it?' I wondered, but I was glad that it was gone. The sword I had been holding was smaller now; it had shrunk to the size it had been when I was wearing it as a necklace. I slipped it into my pocket, intending to get a new chain to put it on.

Barns was standing up and he reached out a hand to help me. I took it and stood up slowly, thanking him. I wrapped my arms around him without a second thought. He quietly wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Relief washed over me as we hugged. The only sounds were the bird singing in the trees. After what felt like forever we finally broke the hug. "Come on, let's get outta here." He said with a small smile on his lips. A smile I couldn't help but to return. We slowly walked out of the woods. To my surprise there was a car sitting along the side of the road. It was the same car we came to this place in. As we got closer to the vehicle Barns tapped on the window. In the driver's seat was Rachel.

She was wrapped in a blanket and obviously sleeping. Barns tapped on the glass again. Eventually she started to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and rolled down the window when she saw us. "What took you so long?" She asked curiously through a yawn. "It's a long story. We can tell you about it on the drive." Barns replied as we both got into the car. He did most of the talking. I was fighting sleep the entire drive back into town. Barns explained to her everything that had happened. Rachel was very interested in the adventure Barns and I had just endured. Once we got into town we stop for breakfast, although I would have loved to just go to sleep. Rachel wanted breakfast though, and we figured it would be rude not to join her. Especially since she waited in the car for us all night.

Each of us ordered a big breakfast. I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was. After eating she dropped us off at the inn. We watched as she drove off down the street. I hoped that she didn't have a busy day today. She couldn't have gotten much rest sleeping in that car. As Barns and I walked upstairs I could feel my body screaming out in protest. My body was most likely bruised and was very sore. I'm sure Barns felt the same way. "I'll see ya in few hours. I'm gonna try and get some rest." Barns said with a yawn as he opened his room door. "Good idea, but I think I'll shower first." I replied with a small smile that he returned. "Hey, thanks for trusting me." He said before I could enter my room.

"Thank you for taking me under your wing." I replied. We stood and smiled at each other for a moment. Then we went to our separate rooms. I locked the door behind me before walking into the bathroom. I changed my mind and decided to soak in the bathtub instead. I figured my muscles would need it to relax. I turned on the water to fill the bathtub before picking out some clothes. Once I was finished with everything I climbed into bed. I snuggled into the clean cool sheets and covers. It didn't take me long to fall into a deep sleep. When I woke up I glanced at the clock. It was four in the afternoon. I stretched and felt soreness in my muscles; it would take a while for the soreness to go away. Where I had bruises were tender as well. I had just finished brushing my hair when there was a knock on my door.

I walked over and smiled when I saw that it was Barns. "Hey, did you sleep okay?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, but I'm sore as hell. Hopefully the hot shower I took will help." He replied with a small laugh. I invited him in and we sat at the little table in my room. The place he and I shared a few meals at since I met him. Suddenly, it felt like a stone had dropped in my stomach. 'What would happen now?' I wondered. He had completed his mission and what he set out to do. Was this it? Will he leave? Was I ever going to see him again? All of these thoughts gave me anxiety and made me feel sad. I didn't wanna say goodbye to him. I might not know a hell of a lot about him, but he became my friend. The light in the darkness for me even if he may not have intended that.

"So... you wanna head down to the pub? We could get a bite to eat and hangout properly." He said, breaking the silence. "I would love that." I said happily. "Come on then." He said with a smile as he stood up. I got up out of my seat and followed him into the hall, locking the door behind me. "So... um... what's next? Are you gonna stay in town for a while... or?" I replied as we walked out into the street and on the sidewalk. "I think I'll stick around. Especially since you're here." He said, and I felt warm inside. "If you ever decide you wanna leave, let me know. Cuz I'm not letting you get away that easily." I replied, which mad him laugh. I couldn't remember if I even heard him laugh like that before. It was nice and it was hard not to smile. "There's no way I'd leave you behind." He said and I linked out arms.

We walked the streets arm in arm. When we reached the pub we talked and watched a local band that was playing. We talked and talked for hours even after most of the customers had left. I finally got to know this mysterious stranger after spending weeks with him. Blindly trusting him even though I probably shouldn't have. But I'm really glad that I did and I would do it all over again if I had to.

The End

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