i. well, hello brothers

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Chapter 1 | Pilot

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Chapter 1 | Pilot

Walking through the dark and gloomy woods was Amberley Salvatore. The moonlight being the only source of light. Her bright blue eyes illuminating in the moonlight. Her blonde hair flowing perfectly against her back.

"Where the fuck is the stupid boarding house?" The Youngest Salvatore scoffed, as she moves a branch out of her way.

A few minutes have passed and the lights of the boarding house had finally came into view. "Finally." Amberley breathed out.

As Amber was walking closer and closer to the boarding house she could hear two very familiar voices. Memories of years ago began to flood the youngest Salvatore's vision. Memories she will forever be trying to forget and overcome. Memories that only one person knows. The person that also went through it all with her.

"That horrible grunge look? Did not suit you." Amber overheard as she continued to make her way to the house. "Remember Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads."

"Why are you here?" Stefan questioned, beginning to get irritated with his older brother.

Damon sighed. "I miss my little brother."

"You hate small towns." Stefan inquired. "It's boring. There's nothing for you to do."

Amberley could hear Damon pace back and forth. "I've managed to keep myself busy." She could practically hear Damon's smirk.

"You know, you left that girl alive tonight." Stefan told him, referring to Vicki Donovan. "That's very clumsy of you."

"What girl?" Damon questioned, suddenly confused. He had killed a couple when he first came to Mystic Falls. Not just a girl. And it wasn't tonight he had drank the couple.

Stefan sighed, getting irritated that Damon is playing dumb. "You know, that girl in the woods." Damon didn't answer. "The woods by the party."

"Stefan I didn't—" Damon let out an angered breath before turning to Stefan. "Sorry to disappoint you brother, but I didn't do that to the girl."

Realization hit Stefan right in the face. There was only one other person that would've been able to find out where he was. Only one other person who resents him as much as Damon does. There was no other vampires in town. And when Damon is in town another person is always soon to follow. Even though Amberley and Damon haven't seen one another for over 50 years. "Amberley." Stefan whispered.

Amberley rolled her eyes, taking that as her hint to finally face her two brothers. Taking a deep breath Amberley sped and jumped onto the balcony leading into Stefan's room. "Well, hello brothers." Amber smiled, as she made her way into Stefan's room. Looking around.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 | The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now