iii. the way she is now

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Chapter 3 | Friday Night Bites

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Chapter 3 | Friday Night Bites

Amberley was currently in Stefan's bedroom. She wanted to see if he has anything that may have interest to her. Earlier today she has stopped by the high school — wanting to see what her dear brother does at school. But, what she saw absolutely surprised her. He was trying out for the football team.

Damon walking into the bedroom rung her away from her thoughts. "Now, what are you doing?"

The blonde shrugged. "Just.. doing a little snooping. Seeing if he has something interesting that's worth my time."

Damon walked over and sat in Stefan's desk chair. "I doubt Stefan has anything remotely interesting."

Amberley looked at his books that were all in his bookshelf. "True." She turned to face her brother. She had been wanting to talk to him. Playing and playing the conversation in her head over and over and over again. "So.. um.. I wanted to talk to you about you know.. what happened."

The raven haired Salvatore's heart stopped. He knew what she was referring to. The few years of never ending pain. The pain that will forever haunt him and his sister. He had never told anyone what happened. The only person who knows, was the one who went through the pain with him. But, even then, they never talked about. Not one utterly word. And I guess this was the time they would finally talk about it.

Damon was about to speak when Stefan walked in. The eldest Salvatore sighed in relief. Relief that he wouldn't have to speak about what Amberley wanted to talk about. "How were try-outs?" Damon asked, fixing the collar of his shirt. "Did you make the team?" Earlier that day Damon had dropped Caroline Forbes off at cheer practice. And he had saw his brother playing football.

Amberley grabbed the diary off of Stefan's bed — the one she was reading when Stefan was off and away at school. "Very Emerson, the way you reveal your soul with so many.." Stefan sped over to Amberley and grabbed his diary away from her prying hands. "Adjectives."

Stefan looked at both Amberley and Damon. "What are you two doing here?"

Damon sighed, looking at his brother. "I've come to apologize. I've been doing some thinking some.. soul searching, and.. I want us to start over." Damon paused for a second. "We need to put the past behind us." He then got up from the chair. "You're my little brother. And if you wanna live a normal, happy human life. Then I want that for ya." Damon shrugged. "Maybe I can do it, too. That I can learn to be a non-living living person." Damon looked at Amberley. "Maybe there's hope for all of us."

Amberley laughed — like really really laughed. "Oh! Damon I totally believed you went to the goody-goody yay I'm a hero, I have a squirrel army, but I also drink there blood, side." Amberley shook her head. "Good one."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 | The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now