iv. a siblings betrayal

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chapter 4 | family ties

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chapter 4 | family ties

Stefan was sleeping in his bed. He was sweating. Breathing hard.

He then suddenly jolted awake, panting. "Bad dream?" The blonde Salvatore girl questioned, as she sat at her brother's desk. "Do you have any — any idea how fucking easy it was to get inside your head just now, Stefan?" She made a tsk sound. "You really need some human blood." Amberley shrugged. "It might even the playing field." She gasped. "Football reference. Shocker, I know." She looked at Stefan's sweaty face as he still was slightly panting from the dream of where Amberley was feeding on Elena. "Too soon?"

Stefan quickly sped off of his bed and headed to the desk Amberley was at grabbed a knife, sped back towards the opposite wall and flung the knife into Amberley's chest. Centimeters away from her beating heart.

The youngest Salvatore looked down at the knife that was currently plunged in her chest and got from her seat. Once she was standing she pulled out the knife, not flinching one bit. "Alright, I'll admit. I deserved that." She shrugged, the bloody knife in hand. "But I just wanted to let you know they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for killing Coach Tanner and all those people." When Amberley told Stefan to clean up the mess her and Damon made with Mr. Tanner, Stefan did not. He just left him there for the whole world to see.

Stefan looked at his sister. "What are you talking about?"

"It was a mountain lion." Amberley informed. "Really big one." She opened her arms wide for a representation. "It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. Deadly beast captured All's well in Mystic Falls."

Stefan furrowed his brows at his sister, confused. "Why would you cover your tracks?"

Amberley smiled at her brother. "I decided to stay a while. And I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Elena." She knew she had already told Stefan this information, but she just needed him to hear again. Just in case he didn't believe her the first time.

The green eyed Salvatore cocked his head to the side. "Can't touch her now."

Damon then walked into Stefan's bedroom. He was in his bedroom hearing the whole conversation and, well, being Damon he had to stop by. "Well, the vervain keeps me and Amberley out of her head." He told Stefan. "Maybe that's not my target. Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion. Some girls just can't resist my good looks and my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift."

Amberley raised her brows at her eldest brother. "Don't get too full of yourself now, Damon. We all know that I consumed all of the good looks in this family." She smiled. "You really need to cut the slack on blood. Seems to be getting too inside that head of yours." Amberley shrugged. "Just some sisterly advice." Amberley then sped over to Stefan and stabbed the knife into his abdomen — making Stefan fall onto his knees, grunting in absolute pain. Amberley then looked down at her shirt and scoffed. "This is Celine Paris, dude. Dick move." She rolled her eyes as she walked out of Stefan's bedroom — taking off her shirt as she walks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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