ii. rooftop adventures

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chapter 2 | the night of the comet

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chapter 2 | the night of the comet

The youngest Salvatore was currently walking around the boarding house. Taking it all in, since Amberley was going to be there for a while.

Amberley was spectacle about coming to Mystic Falls, I mean she hasn't been to the small town since 1864. She had heard from a friend that her brother Stefan had come to the town that haunts the Salvatore siblings, and she wanted to know why he would come to such a place. Now she knows why. Elena Gilbert.

When Stefan had told Amber and Damon that Elena was not like Katherine, she almost laughed. How could she not be like Katherine? They looked exactly alike. It would be absolutely absurd for Elena to not be exactly like Katherine.

The doorbell ringing drawled Amberley away from her thoughts. Amberley quickly sped to the front door and opened it slightly before speeding away into another room. The room where Damon is in. "Who the hell is at the door, Amber?" He questioned.

"I have no fuc—" Amberley got cut off.

"Stefan?" A voice called out. "Stefan?"

When Damon had heard the voice he smirked. And with that smirk alone, Amberley could now tell who the girl was. Elena.

Damon doing one of his tricks sent a crow flying in the boarding house. Making Elena quickly turn around and be faced with the two siblings. "I'm-I'm sorry for barging in." The Gilbert quickly said. "The door was.." she then turned to point at the door but it was closed, thanks to Amberley's doing. "..open."

Amberley put on a smile. "You must be Elena." Elena looked at the Salvatore with confusion. "Oh! I'm Amberley, Stefan's sister."

"And I'm Damon, Stefan's brother." Damon told.

Elena took a step back from the two Salvatore's "he didn't tell me he had siblings."

Damon shrugged. "Well, Stefan's not one to brag." Damon then held a hand out. "Please, come." He urged.

"I'm sure Stefan will be along any second." Amberley assured, as the three of them walked deeper into the Salvatore boarding house.

Elena looked at the huge room in complete awe. "Wow. This is your living room?"

"Living room, parlor.. Sotheby's auction." Damon paused for a moment. "It's a little kitschy for my taste." He then looked at Elena, who was still admiring the room. "I see why my brother's so smitten." Elena met Damon's gaze. "It's about time. For a while me and Amber never thought he'd get over the last one." Damon sighed. "Nearly destroyed him."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 | The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now