Chapter 21

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She becomes numb in front of me, after listening to me that I am a trillionaire. I don't know what is bothering her.

"Hey," I said to her while shaking her.

"Excuse me I need some time to meet and greet see you later," she said while turning away. Like she is trying to run away from me. I grab her arm. She stops.

"Are you ok moya lyubov?" I asked her in concern. I want to know what is bothering her. I want to listen to her rather than tell her that I will destroy everyone or everything that bothers her.

She nodded but her eyes were on the floor. What she tries to hide. I grab her hand and take her away from this world. I take her to my favorite place, this beautiful garden where there is no one and no noise of that fake world.

I grab her by her shoulders and she looks me in my eyes. She wants to know what I want from her. A tear leaves her eye I see the movement of the tear. What bothers her? Why she is so upset? I hate tears in her eyes. I will kill anyone who makes her cry.

I lick her tears. She closed her eyes like she was feeling my touch. She opened her eyes slowly.

I asked her finally, "Who makes you cry? Tell me the name I will fucking destroy him I promise."

She sees me confused. She tried to go away again but I grabbed her and pulled her to me, her breast met my chest. She tried to leave my embrace. I cupped her chin and tried to look her at me.

"I liked you, Malina, since the first time I saw you at that party," I said. And she finally stilled at my confession.

"Stop saying this. I don't believe in love, relationships, commitments, or any male intimate words. So stop. I don't believe you. You are so rich you can have hundreds or thousands of women in your fucking bed then why would you need me hah?" She said furiously.

She thinks like that I know because of her damn ex. However, she doubts that I have hundreds or thousands of women in my bed. I haven't had sex since the last five years. , I think she is jealous of those women but, I want to tell her there is no one. My heart beats for her. But, how?

So I kissed her. Our first kiss, time stops, and the world stops around. Only us. I am kissing her like she is my last meal. I tried to break through her lips to kiss her mouth but she was being stubborn. I pushed my tongue forcefully into her mouth. I kissed her like I would die without her. She didn't kiss me first now she is kissing me with the same favor. Her breath is minty and tastes like vanilla. We kissed and our tongues danced together, don't know how much time we kissed. But then we pull off to take our breath. Her lips are swollen and red.

"Believe me, I have no one and I don't need anyone except you my queen please give me a chance" I beg her. I have never begged in my entire life to anyone. Now I am begging Malina to at least give me a chance. This is different.

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