Chapter 31

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I go downstairs. I saw Alexander was on the phone so I directly go to Selena. She is angry with me I know. But, all happened so suddenly last night. I go to her.

"Hello! How are you?" I asked Selena. But, she doesn't reply. She is very angry what should I do?

Before I say another word Alexander came into view. He looks so tense. I go to him leaving Selena in the hallway alone.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" I asked Alexander.

He signed and shook his head. I raise my eyebrows in question. "PM wants to see me right now." He replied.

"So what's the problem?" I asked him.

"I promised you that I would stay by your side today and take you out. Just say a word that you don't want me to go I will never go but don't get upset, please" he said.

I got confused like seriously? Is he thinking I will be upset and get mad at him just because he has some important work at the office? No way I will ever stop him from his work. I got closer to him so that our bodies meet.

"You think I will be mad at you just because You promised to take me out now you have some important work? You should go and do your work we will go out some other day. Please don't sacrifice your work for me. I give you a chance not because you leave everything to focus on me don't make me guilty." I replied to him.

He sees me for a minute then kisses me affectionately. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Go now and I want a chocolate when you come back," I said smiling. He laughs and kisses my forehead.

"You are unbelievable. But I made the right choice by choosing you" he said and went away. I missed his presence right away but I know he will come back to me.

Selena cleared her throat. I see her.

"I wanted to tell you everything and want advice from you. Please listen to me once." I said to her. She nodded.

I tell her everything about him. She is shocked I think. But she smiled and teased me. God, Why did I tell her everything?

"Malina he is a good guy please never leave him. I see that tattoo on his chest. He loves you. Most importantly I will test him for you." She winked at me. I feel the heat on my cheeks. I am blushing again.

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