I freaking hate Zygerrians!

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Aurora was severely outnumbered, she at least had 20 Zygerrian slavers against her. She has many cuts, burn marks, and blood on her. She was panting hard but she still had a look in her eyes that showed she wasn't planning on give up. There were electric nets everywhere on the ground and there was a few knocked out Zygerrian slavers on the ground.

One of the Zygerrian slavers got too close to Aurora and she kicked him in the stomach and he fell to the ground on his knees. After a second he looked up at her.

"Night." Aurora says as she upper cuts him and he falls back, passed out.

"Man, I freaking hate Zygerrians..." Aurora whispers to herself.

Aurora tightens her grip on her dagger and then hears a voice, it sounded like Hunters's. She turned her head in the direction of his voice...and that was a mistake. A Zygerrian slaver wrapped his whip around her arm and she slowly lowered to the ground. He turned it on more powerful and her face was red, she was trying hard not to yell out in pain.

She pulls back, then roughly grabs it out of his hand and gets it off of her then she looks at him dead in the eyes then kicks him in the face and he falls backwards.

Hunter jumped off the short cliff and was trying to get his way to Aurora. Aurora notices him and shows a look of fear.

"Hunter, get off out off here! Get your squad and leave!" Aurora yells as she punched a Zygerrian slaver in the face and he backs up.

Hunter grabs an Zygerrian slaver's shirt then flips them over and he was out cold.

"I'm not leaving without you!" Hunter shouts from a far away.

Out of nowhere they heard a loud warrior scream and Wrecker came with a huge smile on his face and was like a wrecker ball, he was destroying them like crazy. Tech was right behind him and was blasting them.

Aurora's facial expression slightly softened when she saw them, she stopped forcing on what she was doing. Hunter was still far away but he looked in her direction and his eyes widened.

"Aurora! Look out!" Hunter shouts worriedly.

Aurora turns around and a Zygerrian slaver shot a electoral net at her and it hit her. She fell face flat on the ground. She tightened her grip on her dagger then shout out in pain.

"Aurora!" Hunter yells as he tries to make his may to her as quickly as he could but more Zygerrian slavers just kept coming.

She tried to use her arms to push her body up but she wasn't strong enough, she was in to much pain. Her eye sight starts to get burry and she loosened her grip on her dagger. She is moments away from passing out.

The Zygerrian leader walks up to her then nods at one of the other Zygerrian slavers and he turns off the electric net.

Aurora was too weak to even move. She slowly began to tighten her grip on her dagger, the leader of the Zygerrian slaver steps on her arm and she winced in pain.

"I'm surprised for a female how good you can fight. You will be an valuable slave." The leader of the Zygerrian slavers states calmly.

There was a loud shout and he looked to see who it was. Hunter drop kicked a Zygerrian and the Zygerrian fell to the ground, hard.

Hunter looked at the Zygerrian leader with the angriest facial expression ever. Hunter started to make his way towards him and Zygerrian leader just smirked.

"I suppose you don't take a step closer or the girl gets it." The Zygerrian leader says casually.

Hunter stopped walking, he didn't want to risk it. Wrecker and Tech didn't listen and just kept walking, the Zygerrian leader nodded at one of the other Zygerrians and the electric net turned back on and Aurora dropped her dagger and winced in pain.

"Stand down!" Hunter says furiously to his squad and they nod and stay beside him. The Zygerrian leader puts up his hand then the net turned off.

"Ah, familiar slaves." The leader of the Zygerrian slavers says with a grin.

Tech and Wrecker give each other a glance.

Aurora was still breathing hard, she tried to use her arms again to push her body weight up but the Zygerrian Leader put his foot on her back and her body collapsed on the ground.

"Don't hurt her!" Hunter shouts and clenched his fist.

"Heh. I'll make a deal with you, I will let you leave here and now, freely if you leave the girl." The Zygerrian leader says with a grin on his face as he looks down at her.

"How stupid are you!" Hunter shouts.

"Excuse me." The Zygerrian leader says slightly annoyed.

"I ain't leaving without her, get that through your small brain! I don't leave my own behind!" Hunter says in a peeved tone.

The Zygerrian slaver chuckles then bends over and throws the net off of Aurora. He grabs her my her shoulder and neck and Hunter was about to snap. He then grabs her blue dragon dagger.

Aurora was wobbly while trying to stand up, the only reason why she was able to stand was because of the Zygerrian leader grip on her.

She had her eyes close, she was too weak to even open them. At any second she could fall, the Zygerrian leader put her dagger close to her neck. She didn't even care...it's not like she had any energy to do something.

Hunter took a cautious step forward and the Zygerrian brung the dagger closer to her neck then Hunter took a step backwards.

Why do you even want her!" Hunter says through gritted teeth.

"She can be very very useful, for many reasons..." The Zygerrian says with a humongous smirk which made Hunter want to strangle him.

"You shouldn't treat anyone like that! It's wrong!Tech says angrily.

"Yeah!" Wrecker agreed with Tech.

Aurora slowly grabbed her side and opened her eyes.

She looked at Hunter and he back at. Then she looks at her dagger close to her neck and sighs in defeat.

(1050 words)

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