mornings 🌄

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I stir in bed, feeling two warm bodies on either side of me, on the left is Logan, his hair covering his face, his eyes in a resting state, on the right side is noah, his mouth slightly open and his arm covering his eyes.

I smile looking at my two boyfriends, they look peaceful and at ease.

The morning sun is peeking through the blinds and is casting a yellow glow in the room.

As I lay in bed, submerged by the warmess and comfort of it, I start to get a wild idea.

The thing Noah and Logan have in common is that their not morning people, at all. They can sleep all the way into the afteroon if I don't wake them up.

I look at Logan, he's on his back, snoring lowly. I run my hand over his bare stomach, causing his snoring to hitch a bit. I bite my lip to keep from laughing. I let my hand slide down a little lower on his stomach. I stop when I've reached his cock, covered by his grey sweatpants.

He stirs and moans in his sleep.

I start to rub is cock through his sweatpants, causing his breathing to speed up, and causing his dick to get hard under my touch.

I peck his neck and take my hand off his dick. He sighed at the lost off touch.

I turn around and focus on Noah. I start to kiss his neck, and slide my hand down his stomach as well, but I stop at the the waistband of his underwear. He bucks his hips up, wanting me to go further down, but I'm a tease, so I don't follow his slient command, I just keep my hand where it is, which is not on his dick.

Though Noah is the oldest of Logan and I, and looks a bit tougher than logan, noah has a submissive side of him, he always wants to be dominated, teased, played with. Noah gets hard with just the thought of me putting my hands around his neck and giving him commands.

I continue to kiss his neck, causing him to whimper in his sleep. I feel my pussy throb at that lovely sound.

I stop, and go back to Logan, who's still fast asleep, and still very hard. I put my hand inside his underwear, going up and down on his hard dick. "Fuck," he moans with his eyes closed.

I don't try to hide my laugh this time. "Goodmoring, baby." I mutter close to his ear, stroking his cock extraordinarily slow.

Logan bucks up in my hand. "Uh, fuck."

Logan in bed is heaven, he knows how to fuck when it's the right time, and he knows how to make love when it's the right time. Logan is up for anything when is comes to sex, either being the dominant one, or the submissive one. He like to take control, and he also, like Noah, likes to be givin orders.

I hear a moan on the right side of me. I look over to see Noah, eyes open, mouth open, his hand stroking his cock.

I grin. "Look who's up."

I kiss Noah's neck, causing him to moan, and speed up his stroking.

"Did I tell you to touch that dick of yours? Hm, Noah?" I ask in a demanding tone.

He closes his eyes. "Please."

I take my hands off Logan's cock, he whimpers in protest in his sleep, and slap Noah's hands away from his cock.

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