puppies🥺 (part 3)

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My fucking puppies. My good fucking puppies. So obedient, so good, so sexy. They were all mine. I owned thier dicks. I owned thier minds. I owned when they came and when they didn't. I owned thier bodies. Their tall, strong, hot bodies.

I looked down at my pretty puppies, who had drool on their lips, who had watery, pleading eyes, who were all naked and covered in cum.

I couldn't help but let a smile form on my lips as a looked down at them.

"Kiss each other." I demanded softly.

Logan and Noah lock eyes and brung their faces close to each other, and kissed. Hard. Jutting their tongues in each others mouths, tasting one another, savoring each other's taste.

"Good boys." I complimented.

They moaned in each others mouths at my words, and I felt my pussy throb at seeing my two boys kiss. I was ready for them to fuck me, one at a time, then all at once. I wanted to feel each of thier big dicks inside of me, stretching me out so lovely and full. I wanted Logan on top of me first, so I could see his hazel brown eyes, and see his hair fall in front of his face, where I would ball his hair up in my hand, I wanted Logan to fall apart on top of me, hitting all the right spots, rubbing my clit, and giving me hickeys. I wanted Logan to make me cum so hard I'd feel high off of him.

I wanted to ride Noah, putting my hand around his neck, choking him, dominating him. I wanted to straddle his hips, insert his pretty, pink cock in me, and ride him until my thighs start to ache and my heart speds up and sweat beads my body. I wanted Noah to whimper like a puppy and beg me to keep going, and beg me to go faster, and beg me to go harder.

Then, once they and I came, I wanted them to both fuck me at the same time.

God, what a fantastic plan. It was a every girls dream, I guessed, to get fuck by two whimpery boys at you command.

"Stop," I command; they did, and looked at me with big eyes. "Logan, you're first, get on top of me and fuck me."

Logan shallowed hard and stood up from the floor, walking to me in slow strides.

I smirked and laid down on the bed.

When logan put his hips between my thighs, I said, "If you be a really good boy, I'll one day let you dominant me and Noah."

Logan gasped. "Really?"

"Of course, I get tried sometimes, and I know you would like that, would you?"

Logan nodded. "Yes ma'am, very much."

I chuckled, bringing Logan's head down so I could kiss him.

"Fuck me now." I said.

Logan leaned up on his knees, took his hard penis in his hand, and slapped my pussy with it, earning a gasp to escape my mouth. He then went ahead and started to rub his dick against the folds of my pussy; I hissed.

"Tease me some more, and I'll change my mind about what I said earlier, puppy."

Logan let out a low moan before he finally inserted himself in me. I arched my back and closed me eyes, letting Logan fill me up so well.

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