parents house 🏠 (part 2)

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I'm backkkkk, u didn't think i would be gone for good, did u? I did, though, take a little break from this story because I was very inconsistent with it and busy with school and such. But I'm on my last year of school (I'm 18) and going to be having a lot of free time now.

But the good news is that while taking a break from this story, I have gained some more knowledge in writing smut... so I think I'll be just a tad better when writing this story now 😉

Enough talking, let's get back to where i left off at.


We were now all sitting inside logan's parents house.

The dinner table was crowded with food of all such: turkey, mash potatoes and gravy, fresh steamed green beans, buttered rolls, slices of hams, ect ect.

Logan's mom, Christina, cooked all this delicious food for us. She boasted about how she cooked it and how good her food was, humming at the taste of the turkey,  and  sucking on her fingers to get the residue off.

Logan's dad, William, was talking about his work and asking us many questions about our lives, which me and my boyfriends answered sincerely and earnestly.

I was scooping up the mash potatoes in my plate, when I heard Noah clear his throat from beside me.

I bit the inside of my cheek, knowing why he made such a sound: he was anticipating when I might start the vibranting butt plug again.

"So, Riley, dear," Christina started as she took a bite out the slice of ham. "How is my logan treating you?"

I glanced at Logan, who was sitting on the other side of me, shifting in the wooden seat. "Oh, he's lovely, he treats me well, and loves me, and is kind. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." I grabbed ahold of his hand from under the table, squeezing it gently.

Christina nodded her head pleasantly. "That's my boy, always knows how to treat the ladies."

"He really does," I said, letting go of his head and placing my hand on his thigh.

He yelped.

"You ok there, logan?" William asked, pulling his eyebrows in.

"Ummm, yeah, I'm fine." Logan replied thorough a trembling voice.

When everyone was distracted with talking and eating, I leaned into Logan's ear, whispering, "if I was you, i would control how I sound, you don't want your parents to know how much of a slut you are, now do you?" I teased.

"No, ma'am." Logan whispered back.

I patted his thigh, once, twice. "I love how red your getting of me, log, so fucking flustered and my hand isn't even on your dick yet."

Logan let out a low whine.

"You sure you ok, sweety?" Christina asked, concerned about her son.

Logan nodded his head. "Yeah, my throat just hurts a little is all."

Christina hummed, then turned her attention to Noah, who didn't seem to be eating much. "Is it not good, noah?"

"What? Oh, yes it's very good, Christina." Noah smiled, picking up his fork, stabbing a green bean, and placing it in his mouth.

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