puppies 🥴 (part 4)

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Fuckty, fuck, fuck.


When you cum, then cum some more, and some more, without stopping, without breaks, without a breather. When you are milked dry. When you are covered with sweat and drool and cum. So much fucking cum.

It was a punishment, for me talking back, for doubting my mommy.

I was irrated. I was jealous. I was on the edge and needed release.


What did I do?

I just wanted to cum.

And now, I wouldn't be able to stop.

My hands were tied to the head post of the bed with black, fluffy handcuffs. My mouth was stuffed with a pair of Riley's panties, muffling my sounds. And tears were leaving my eyes and falling down my flustered cheeks.

I couldn't move, I couldn't even beg; it was absolute torture.

Logan and Riley were standing in front of me, both looking dominant, while I squirmed, trying to loosen the tight handcuffs.

Riley had her arms crossed over her bare chest; Logan had a smirked on his face, cleary enjoying the sight of me.

Riley tsked. "You couldn't just let me do whatever I wanted to you, couldn't you, Noah baby?"

I whimpered.

Riley shook her head. "You talked back to me."

"Mmmm Shworry." My words were uncomprehensive with the panties in my mouth.

"Desperate slut." Riley said, letting a slow smile play on her lips. "Desperate. Naughty. Little. Slut."

I cried harder; my dick aching; my wrists throbbing.

Riley touched my ankle, then slowly slid her hand up my leg, toying with me. "Let's see how many times you cum before that pretty cock yours goes dry."

I sucked in a breath, bucking my hips up.

"You're so hard right now, Noah baby." Logan spoke. "Is this turning you on?"

I whimpered loudy and nodded my head.

Logan and Riley chuckled.

"Awww," logan walked forward, coming up on the bed, crawling up to me. He pulled my hair from my forhead. "Such a pretty puppy. So Desperate for a cock or a pussy, hm?"

I knew that logan was in full dominant mode now.

Logan bit his bottom lip as he stared at me, his eyes saying nothing but dominance. "God, I can't wait to be inside of you again. You make me so hard." His fingers circled my nipples then; I arched my back. "I just want to pludge my cock in you until I hit that spot that would have you cumming so fucking hard." He paused, looking at Riley. "Can I fuck him now?"

Riley smiled, leaning up. "Take over him, Logan. Do whatever you want. Don't stop until he's sobbing and covered in cum."

Riley then walking to the bedroom door.  "I have things I need to do. I'll be back in thirty minutes." Without another word, Riley left our bedroom, closing the door behind her, leaving logan and I alone.

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