Chapt 3 - Practice

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I cant stop thinking about her.

She's beautiful.

But gosh i hate her, she's Ethan's sister, and she's probably just as bitchy and spoiled as he is.

I have to sit next to her in maths everyday and im pretty sure i have science with her as well, dont ask how i know, her timetable was in front of her during maths and i couldn't help myself but to look. god help me.

I didn't want to talk to her at lunch incase my suspicions were right and she's just like her bastard of a brother, so i just left. I went outside and did some basketball shots before we had practice.

The bell rang indicating that lunch was over and that school was also over because it was a half day. I go to find Jayden when something perks my curiosity and attention.

I see her, pinned against the lockers and her brother snickering something at her and giving her a threatening look, with Stella, his girlfriend, next to him.


gosh her name is beautiful- shut up.

As i was saying, Isabella keeps her expression cool but i can tell theres something, something that shes hiding behind her honey hazel eyes.

After Ethan leaves, the only thing i can see on her face is anger, pure anger.

I'm about to walk to her, when someone taps my shoulder, surprised by the gesture, i was about to throw a punch but i stop when i see its just Jayden.

"Woah dude, you good? Looks like you've just seen a ghost"

He laughs.

"Not funny. And yh im good, lets go, we're gonna be late to practice."

We get there, and as i suspected..we were late.

"Josh. Jayden. you're late to practice"

Coach reminds us as if we didn't already know.

"Sorry sir, won't happen again"  Jayden tells him with a bright as fuck smile, as if thats gonna do anything—

"Its fine, but next time, dont let it happen."

"Yes coach." We both say in unison.

As much as i wanted to actually practice, i had some other things to take care of first.

I go into the changing rooms and find Ethan there.

Oh this is gonna be fun.

"Well look who's here, the nerd and the weirdo."

Ethan laughs with his friends.

"Funny isn't it" i join in with a fake laugh.

Not even a second later, i grab him and pin him on the wall.

"Now, you're gonna be a sweet ass and tell me what you said to Isabella"

That wasn't even a threat, it was a warning.

"Why? do u like her?" He burst out laughing.

I punch him.

He groans as he holds his nose, trying to contain all the blood oozing out.

"Ow what the fuck !"

Not giving a flying fuck that he's in pain i ask again.

"What did you say to Isabella?" Losing my patience at this point.

"If you really wanna know" he smirks "i told her that she was just a fucking whore" he laughs.

Tired of his mockery, i punch him, over and over again, until he's left as a bleeding and in-pain mess on the floor.

"Dont ever fucking speak to or about her that way, got it."

After getting my anger out on a certain someone, i go play.

2 hours later, and 5 quick play matches won, there were 5 matches in total.

"Hey, wanna grab a drink?" Jayden suggests.

"Alcohol at 4 O'clock in the afternoon?? R u okey?"

Im not trying to get drunk this early plus I've never been much of a fan of alcohol.

"No bro, a in a coffee?! Come on that was explanatory"

"Ohhh, yh fine, why not"

"Great, ill go get my bag, brb"


Gosh i love this guy. Jayden has been my best friend for so long and has helped me through so much. At first he was scared that ill start dating his sister, Lydia, don't get me wrong, she is pretty but not my type.

I hope i made that clear to him.

"Yo, you ready to go?"

I ask Jayden when he comes back.

"Yep, lets go!"

We both leave the school and go to the parking lot and find out motorbikes.

I get on my Yamaha R1 and Jayden on his Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R.

I put on my helmet and gloves, and we start riding.

Cuz Jayden wanted to grab coffee, i let him pick the spot and he chose a café called "Midnight Mocha" he said they served some of the best coffees so i just went with it and trusted him.

10 min later we get there, we could have arrived in 2 minutes max, but Jayden insisted in we follow the speed limit.

"Where you seriously about to pop a wheelie in practically the middle of fucking traffic?!" Jayden scolds me.

"Ey, i like to have my fun when im riding my bike, okey?."

"Thats not fun..thats DANGEROUS you idiot"

"I know, thats what makes it fun" i give him a playful wink.

Jayden sighs and shakes his head as we enter the café.

Immediately we see a back booth and we go sit there, i look around waiting for our menus when i see..her, in work uniform? she works here?


Heyy loveliesss <3

3rd chapter!

Let me know what you guys think !

Word count : 891
Didn't have much inspo for this chapter so its not that long but its fine.

Lemme know of any spelling or grammar errors, tyvm!

Hope you guys enjoyed :))

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