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𝐬𝐢𝐱 | 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞

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𝐬𝐢𝐱 | 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞

Lila arrived at the De Goey house hold at 12am at night.

Her and Nick had spent the rest of the night together, reminiscing the special moment between the two teenagers. They talked for hours about everything and anything, before Lila got a call from Jordan to come back home.

For the first time in a long time, Lila was happy.

She spent so long convincing herself that she was going to be miserable for the rest of her life, and turn out just like her dad.

With the biggest grin on her face, Lila peaked over to the couch to see Jordan fast asleep, snoring his head off.

She sighed at the sight. She didn't know what she would do without him.

Lila spotted the goosebumps that scattered across his skin, formed from the cold night air. She grabbed the blanket that was pushed to the side, and threw it on top of her brother's body.

Lila kissed his forehead lightly, muttering an "I love you" before climbing up the stairs, as quiet as she could.

The second she got into her room, she changed into some grey sweats, and a comfy black tank top.

She then pulled her bed covers over her small body, before hearing a notification coming from her phone that was placed on the table next to her bed . She reached for the device, before looking down to see a message from Nick.

Goodnight Beautiful xx

Lila grinned down at the message in excitement. She felt butterflies forming through her stomach, all because of Nick Daicos.

For the first time in a long time, Lila had a good night sleep, dreaming of all the good things happening in her life.


It had been one whole week since Nick and Lila shared their moment at the beach. The two teenagers spent every spare moment of their time texting back and forth.

Collingwood had a bi this week, meaning Lila wasn't able to see Nick at the game.

The teenagers tried finding times where they were both free, though their busy schedules clashed meaning they weren't able to meet up.

The morning after their kiss, Lila told Jordan straight away. Though Jordan was happy for his younger sister, he instantly messaged Nick with something along the lines of "If you hurt Lila i'll kill you".

Today was a Wednesday, meaning the Collingwood boys were due to train. Lila decided she would come along, just so she could see Nick.

To be fair, she had also missed Brayden, Jamie and a couple of the other boys.

The girl thought it would be a good idea to surprise Nick, seeing as he was so eager to see her all week.

She threw on some black cargos, matched with a gray tank top with her white air forces.

As she walked down stairs, she saw Jordan packing his Collingwood bag for his upcoming training session.

"I've never see you this eager to come to training with me before. I wonder why?" Jordan said sarcastically, scratching his head in a joking matter.

"Oh that's right! Nick!" He poked, laughing at his younger sister.

"Stop Jordan—don't be weird about it" Lila whined, slipping past her older brother and into the kitchen.

To be fair, her brother wasn't wrong. She had never been more enthusiastic about going to one of the Collingwood training sessions before she met Nick. The only reason she used to go was to keep in contact with the boys who helped her and Jordan get through their Mum's death.

Soon after, the De Goey siblings were on their way to the training ground.


Jordan and Lila walked side by side as they entered the building.

Jordan was already late, meaning he had to quickly run off to the field before Fly threw a fit.

Lila spent this time roaming the building attached to the field, as she hadn't been there in a while. She recalled a couple years back, when she spent every single day here, as Jordan didn't want to leave his younger sister alone back at home. She didn't mind it though— during that time, she built close bonds with many different players.

The girl wandered the quiet halls, before hearing quiet giggles and voices in the near distance. Lila being the noisy person she was, decided on following the noise. She heard a girl and a boy's voice, making her wonder who it could possibly be.

Lila came to an abrupt stop, before pressing her ear against the door to hear the two voices that came from within.

As she kept listening, her ears perked at the male voice. It was Nick.

Lila knitted her eyebrows together in confusion, wondering who the girl was that joined him. It couldn't have been a physio, or their psychiatrist, as they both had assigned rooms for certain matters. The room he and the girl were currently in was a spare room— a one where she used to conceal herself in while playing hide and seek with Brayden Maynard a couple of years back.

Lila finally built up enough courage to open the door as curiosity bubbled through her body.

As the girl pushed open the wooden door, her eyes lingered towards the sight of Nick and some random blonde girl, kissing in the very corner of the room.

Lila's breath caught in her throat, and she suddenly felt as though she couldn't breathe. Everything around her went silent as she stood with her mouth open in shock. Nick was still unaware of the girl standing in the corner of the room, before he heard a quiet voice coming from the entry.


𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄 | Nick Daicos Where stories live. Discover now