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𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭?

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𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭?

It was now 6:30pm, and Lila had done nothing but lie comfortably in her bed since she got home from the Collingwood training. Her mind felt like it was about to explode.

Should I message Nick?

Should I wait for Nick to message me?

Should I block him?

Lila was stuck. She didn't know what to do.

A knock on the door interrupted Lila's thoughts, pulling her back into reality.

"Come in" Lila huffed, leaning her back up against the bed frame.

As the door opened, Lila gasped quietly. Stood right in-front of her was Nick fucking Daicos.

"What are you doing here? How did you even get in?" Lila questioned frantically, watching as the boy took a seat at the top of her bed, opposite her.

"Your brother let me in. Listen Lila can you just listen to me-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Lila cut him off.

"I don't want to hear your bullshit. I saw what I saw." Lila argued back, looking at the boy with pure disgust.

"Jesus, Lila. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't even know who she was! I was walking to the locker rooms, and she pulled me into that random room. I was just as shocked as you were!" Nick declared, as he tried his best to defend himself in the tough situation.

Lila studied the boy. She was very good at telling when people were telling the truth or lying, and as of right now, Nick genuinely looked sorry. She observed his desperate eyes, and the way his face was covered with guilt and soreness.

"Look Nick, I don't want to fight. I forgive you, okay?" Lila told the boy. Her demeanor had completely changed. She was now the soft, caring Lila that Nick was used to.

"I wasn't lying when I said I really liked you. I promise this was all just a misunderstanding. I only want you" Nick pleaded.

Lila felt as though he was still trying to make a point. No amount of apologizing would make Nick feel better for what he did. Lila smiled to herself as she listened to the boy express his regret.

"I'm really sor-" Nick was cut off by Lila's lips attaching his own. The girl was sick of listening to the boy she had already forgave, and wanted to show him that she really ment it.

As the two pulled apart, Lila wrapped her arms around his neck, while his draped down to her waist. Their foreheads touched together lightly, as Lila grinned at the boy assuringly.

"Nick, it's okay, I believe you" Lila told him confidently.

Nick smiled, before smashing his lips onto hers, once again. This time though, it was rougher. Nick's eagerness didn't go unnoticed by Lila, as the boy trailed his lips down her neck, causing her to let out a quiet moan.

The two teenagers were still standing, so Nick took the opportunity to grab Lila's wrists, and push her onto the bed behind her.

Lila was sprawled out on her bed, groaning quietly as Nick's kisses trailed down her body.

She watched as his soft fingers, dragged down to her inner thighs, making the girl gasp out loud.

"You like that huh?" Nick teased, looking up to see his Lila in a flustered state right before his eyes.

Nick kept his eyes firmly on Lila, as he tugged the waists band of her shorts. As he pulled them down, her black lace underwear appeared, causing Nick to smirk.

"Is this okay?" Nick confirmed. He didn't want to overstep her boundaries.

Lila was barely able to get words out. Nick was toying with the girl for to long. She wanted him, and Lila always got what she wanted.

Lila nodded her head quickly. That wasn't enough for Nick though.

"Use your words, Lila" Nick replied in a dark, husky tone. Lila had never seen him like this before.

"Yes, Nick—please" Lila breathed out quietly, practically begging.

Nick smirked at the girls desperation towards him. He was going to ruin her.

That sentence was enough for Nick to pull down the girls underwear eagerly, revealing her bottom half completely. He threw her underwear to the side, taking a second to take in Lila's body.

She was perfect.

"Fuck-Nick hurry up" Lila moaned out eagerly.

Nick finally lifted up his finger from where it was previously placed on her hips, and placed it at her entrance, before rubbing her wet core.

Lila grunted at the sudden action, throwing her head back in despair. Nick's finger fully entered inside of her, before he added a second finger after seeing the girls reaction. He slowly pushed his slender fingers in and out of her hole, before fastening his pace to gain an even more flustered reaction from Lila.

"Look at me" Nick ordered, watching as her head came back while she let out a loud moan. He wanted to see her face as he destroyed her.

"Fuck Nick I'm-" Just as Lila was about to finish her sentence, the door suddenly opened, causing both Nick and Lila to jump up in surprise.

"What the fuck?" Jordan exclaimed, looking between both of the teenagers. He quickly covered his eyes, before muttering an 'Ew' and turning around to walk out as fast as he could.

The two teenagers watched Jordan leave the room in embarrassment and shock. They turned back to each other in silence, before bursting out in laughter.

Nick and Lila both flopped down onto the bed next to each other, before pulling the covers over their bodies.

"Can you stay here tonight?" Lila questioned with doe eyes—something Nick couldn't say no to.

"Yeah—Come here" Nick muttered, pulling the girl into his chest. Lila rested her head onto his chest, as their legs tangled together under the covers. As Lila melted into his touch, Nick played with strands of her brown hair.

Slowly, Lila's eyes became heavy and before she knew it, she was fast asleep on the boys chest.

Nick looked down to her, smiling at his girl sleeping peacefully on top of him.

He didn't think he'd seen anything more beautiful than Lila De Goey. From the moment Nick saw her at the club, he was intrigued. He spent countless nights thinking about the brunette girl, wishing that fate would somehow bring them together again.

And now, she was finally his.


𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄 | Nick Daicos Where stories live. Discover now