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twelve | birthday girl

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twelve | birthday girl

Reef and Lila both whipped their heads around to the sudden voice. The small girl let out a breath of relief once she saw it was Nick.

"Bro I was just joking, don't-" Reef started before being cut off by Nick.

"I don't give a fuck. Don't fucking touch her ever again or we're gonna have a problem" Nick venomously spat out, looking down at Reef with disgust.

As Lila watched Nick stare the boy down, she took it as an opportunity to leave Reef's side, and shuffle to her boyfriend.

Lila watched as Reef muttered a small 'sorry', and scurried away into the darkness.

After he was completely out of their sight, Nick looked down at Lila's sad eyes, and hugged her tightly.

Who the fuck did he think he was? Nick thought to himself.

"Are you okay princess?" Nick talked softly, pulling the loose strand of her warm caramel colours hair behind her ear.

Lila nodded at the boy, giving him reassurance. Though she thought she had played it off, Nick didn't buy it.

The DeGoey girl was still frightened. Reef had only done as little as pulling at her wrists, though it had reminded Lila of the time she was forced onto the ground and assaulted in year 11.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Nick asked, pulling Lila out of her thoughts. The Daicos boy softly lifted up her head by her chin, making sure not to startle her.

"Nothing, can we just- go up to my room?" Lila asked, smiling reassuringly at the boy.

Although Nick knew something was bothering his girlfriend, he decided to let it go. He didn't want to force anything out of her, especially since she already seemed sad enough.

Nick held Lila's soft hand as he led her through the house.

Once they reached her room, they opened the door and almost immediately, flopped onto her comfy bed.

The two lied next to each other in comfortable silence.

Lila felt something ruffle next to her, and saw that Nick was now facing her.

"Stop staring" Lila giggled jokingly.

"I can't help it when you're wearing an outfit like that" Nick replied, licking his lips as he took in his girlfriend's appearance. Her skirt was riding up her thigh, as she was lying down on her bed, meaning her thighs were completely exposed. Her breasts were practically spilling out of her tiny top, causing Nicks breath to stiffen.

The two stared at each other for what felt like eternity, before Nick leaned in to kiss her soft, plump lips.

As their kiss deepened, Lila climbed on top of the boy as he laid down, while Nick kept his grip firm on her waste below her.

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