Chapter 1

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"The ones who saved the world once. Really Nigel. Really. You're one of those people!" I yell at the boy with the blonde Mohawk. As I pull at my hair. An old habit that I'll never be able to get rid of.

"Well it's true. Besides they're all dead now." He says, i doubt he cares about how upsetting his words are. He doesn't even sound like he cares. Some of these people died next to me and I couldn't save them. I couldn't save any of them. I close my eyes. Their faces appearing in my mind.

"That doesn't mean anything. I still remember them. I fell in love with one. I just can't write them off as that. I just can't. They are more then that. They always have been. They always will be." I say, my eyes still closed.

"I know, but you're the only one left." He says in a low whisper, like the words he just uttered are some kind of insult. They're not. Those words are just a curse.

"What do you want me to do? Tell them everything. God, Nigel. This story is far from straight, and I. I can't just tell people this." I say, still keeping my eyes closed. Still picturing them in my mind. I miss them. I miss them all so much. More then anyone could possibly imagine. It's like a have those hole in my chest that's never going to be filled again, and it hurts. Love hurts. Hate hurts. Friendship hurts. Everything short of a nuclear bomb hurts.

"I know, but this is something that needs to be done." His words cause me to open my eyes. I still keep my hand in my hair.

"Why? They're still going to be known as the ones who saved the world once. Hell even I'm one of those people. You're going to be one of those to. Nobody will remember us as being gay or weird or even the things we said. People don't care about that stuff in the long run. They don't even care about the stories. They just mark us off as bad guys or good guys. I mean they see Adam as bad and me as a monster. Everyone else just saved the world once. It's like they forgot everything we've ever done."

"Then tell them."

"How the hell do I do that? Go on the radio?" It doesn't matter anyway. They'll just forget in ten years anyway. Except for maybe what left of the human guard but even that's questionable.

"Start by telling me."

"Fine, but remember you asked." Then I start. There's not wonderful about any of this. Not about the war. Not even about peace. If there's anything wonderful about it's the love between a group of people who all they had was each other.

"Six, if you hand me another cup of coffee so god help me I'm shoving you out of this car." I say, as she starts to pull up at a McDonald's. She pulls up into a parking lot and parks the car. She then turns her head her black hair that tied back in a ponytail hitting the glass window as she does. Her grey eyes settle on me.

"You're grumpy without it." She comments,

"Well sorry if I don't sleep well in moving vehicles." She gives me a look, telling me that i just proved her point. I just roll my eyes.

"Coffee it is." She says, I lean over and try to shove her out of the car or at least into the door. The seatbelt locks on me and she's already half way out of the car. If she didn't want me to be grumpy she would let me sleep.

I lean my head against the window and close my eyes. My mind playing the memory of Adam falling to the bottom of the ravine. I couldn't save him. He's dead. I know he is. No one could ever survive that. My big brother is dead and I was the only one who could have saved him, and I failed. I always fail at everything. I'm terrible at hand to hand, I couldn't even save the one person who have a damn about me.

I push the memory from my mind and decide that it's a safe bet to focus on my breathing. Maybe that way I'll get some sleep and six will stop describing me as cranky.

Six's pov

I make it back to the car. A brown paper bag of food in one hand and a tray with two coffees in the other. I tuck the bag under one arm as I unlock the car with the other. I open the door and hold it with my knee as I sit everything down on my seat.

I look over at Evan to see that he's sleeping. Good. I'm not sure the last time he slept was. Every time I wake up he's guarding the door. He also never sleeps in the car.

His black hair has fallen in his eyes which for some reason is causing his skin to look paler then normal. If you put him on stage with an emo rock band he wouldn't stand out. That's for sure.

The only reason I trust him is because he broke me out of West Virginia. That's why I trust him. I place the coffee cups in the cup holders and take out my sandwich. I climb into the car and carefully close the door behind me. Then I place the rest of the bag in the floor board behind me. I lean back and grab the blanket that rests on the back seat.

I then drape it over him. He shifts slightly but just ends up pulling it closer to him. Grabbing it in his fists.  He's probably dreaming of what ever mogs dream of. Chasing helpless humans and killing them with ease and enjoyment.

Even though I know he isn't like them. Though there are times when we're fighting that he goes cold, and I wonder if he's just acting on his pure instinct to kill. There has been a few close calls where he's almost hit me. I've always been able to snap him out of it.

I'm just afraid that a day is going to come that I won't be able to snap him out of it and he'll lose all control. There are times we're arguing and he starts pulling at his hair in order to keep him grounded I guess. There are times he scares me. Then I remember he broke me out of West Virginia.

And not without a few scratches either. You can't see it now with his hair covering it, but he has a scar through his left eye. Causing him to be blind in that eye. He got it while breaking me out.

I unwrap my sandwich and begin to eat. He pulls his legs up into the seat with him and leans completely against the door even though his seatbelt is resisting against him. He pulls the blanket closer to him and tucks it up under his chin.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but he looks like an exhausted five year old in this state. I take another bite of my sandwich. Still watching him. It's an old habit I suppose.

Mogadoriens are the enemy. I've trained my whole life to fight against them. Even though I know Evan is an ally. I just can't help but constantly watch him. I know he does the same with me.

I finish the sandwich and ball up my trash and throw it in the back. Then I put the car in reverse and start to drive down the road with a sleeping mog next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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