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She calmly walked down the hallways of the Teca palace completely hidden from the suns view, seeing a few maids pass by as she continued her way to the changing chambers. Usually if anyone saw her-she'd be immediately reported to the Teca guards but being in the shadows was useful for sneaking around in plain sight without being noticed let alone her purple and green color, her bandana could be slightly seen if a person squints hard enough. The fact was that no one knew she was there except the royal family and she was surprised when no one noticed the extra room that was installed, she looked forward at the double doors of the chamber and slowly pushed them open revealing a single lighted room looming over a single spot in the center. Seeing the plates of large full bodied mirrors and the familiar Teca tapestries, she didn't come in here often and mostly had her whole closet filled with bandanas and vest's with a few black hoods and poncho's but in here she would retrieve her coronation outfit which was privately made by the Queens best tailers, the queen sent them the measurements and they did the rest. But sadly she had to hide it all under a large black cloak to reinsure her identity was safe and secure, she understood the steaks but the other fact was that no one knew that Teca ever had a night guard, except for the few assassin's and thieves that have tried to bust into the palace over the years which earned her scars but a notable few were left as a reminder of it all. Especially the one on her back that was probably the worst memory of being a night guard she ever had. She looked towards the middle and saw a familiar princess sitting on a small stool, she wasn't sure if approaching would be the right time but what was she doing here? It was possible the coronation was being held more earlier than the original plan or Maya's mother found out about Maya going off to the pits again which seemed like the most likely option otherwise her mother wouldn't have sent Cháipa out there to get her. She was about to sneak around the path way until Maya's voice broke the silence "I know your there Noi" Nocturnix stopped mid-step and walked over to the
Princess, Maya knew Nocturnix was a year older than her but thanks to thier childhood they got along but sadly the bat didn't seem to understand her sense of glory and the redemption of being recognized as a true warrior instead of some Teca princess. But she had to admit being friends with a night guard had it's perks. free training, nightly escorts to anywhere she requested, and proper food and drink transport. Thankfully her brothers didn't find out about what she was up to otherwise they would've used it to thier advantage during the night. She didn't like to think she was using her but it seemed like it when she really thought about it until she realized something making her heart drop and crumble "Noi! The maid-" at that moment the maid walked into the room with a tray of paints and her eyes widened and her mouth agape as she saw the bat creature in the room looking back at her with glowing eyes "Don't. Scream." Nocturnix said calmly and held up her talons in a nonthreatening manner "Please don't alert anyone, It would put everyone in panic" she said and took a small step towards the maid who then dropped the tray of paints, Nocturnix wasn't sure what the maid would do, scream and run away or alert others and let the royals face the many questions of the public and the rest of the kingdoms if word got out. The maid seemed less stressed and put on a more calm expression "Maya? Do you know this, thing?"

"She's not a 'thing', this is Nocturnix, also known as the secret Teca night guard" Maya explained and turned to look at the maid with a slightly irritated expression. Nocturnix wasn't too sure but she didn't seem to recognize this maid from the others she's seen over the years but she could only imagine what was going on in this woman's head if she panicked.

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