Coronation of Tecas pt:1

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The coronation was starting and Nocturnix was with Maya walking towards the archway and towards the stage hearing the crowd cheer, Nocturnix wasn't a big fan of crowds or loud noises since her time in darkness and night patrol was all she was used to. Her time battling opponents in darkness was all she was trained for but if she was going to continue her way of life she had to practice her time in the daylight as well even if she wasn't a fan of it, "Noi, I don't think this is a smart idea even for me" Maya said, she was in her full dress attire with her whole headpiece holding her hands up in a T-pose which Nocturnix nearly almost found it amusing but this wasn't the best time to be laughing at Maya's new look "I'm aware, but this is your day and I don't think I'm going to be missing it for anything, and besides, I'll have my cloak"

"But the other kingdoms will get suspicious"

The bat guard looked over to the princess and sighed, she knew about Gran Bruja and her Paranoia and the most likely scenario was that she'd probably accuse the king and queen were working for the gods which made no sense, the Window queen would probably hold fire just in case as a precaution, and the Barbarian king and princess would have asked questions about it all. "I know, but I'll try to be as normal as possible" she said before looking forward at the doorway as the suns light started to peer through, "well, I'm glad you're here with me" Maya smiled before continuing forward and onto the stage seeing her brothers and her parents along with the other kingdoms and the whole kingdom of Teca, Nocturnix stopped and hesitated, she wasn't going to miss any of this but if the others found out about her it would lead to a whole war she was afraid the Teca's wouldn't win. She quickly hung the cloak over her head covering herself in the shadows before following Maya onto the stage hearing the crowds cheers get louder as she looked over towards the other kingdoms as they gasped in confusion "Noi! We didn't think you'd make it!" Lance said with a large grin, while the other two triplets continued to look up at thier secret night guard. They've always had a strong relationship with her since they met as infants even though the lack of origins but they always thought of her as another sister even though the appearance was uncanny they still loved her, "we thought you'd be watching from afar" Shield pipped up, she looked over to the triplets and smiled under the shadows of her cloak, she knew the risks she was taking but it would all be worth it if she proceeded with her disguise. "Well, I didn't want to miss an important event like this so I decided to attended"

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