Chapter one: Humidity

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This is based off something I made up to get myself to sleep. This is incredibly cringe and angsty, but things like that appeal to me. Its really fucking cringe lmaoo but like i dreamt about it and it was funny to me so im writing it now!!!  oh also my writing isnt that good

Lightbulb was wandering in a forest, west to hotel Oj. She took in the scenery, vibrant flora surrounding her. She was walking on a natural trail, paved by many creatures over many centuries, rocks crunching as they scrape against the ground. Nothing but the occasional tweet of a bird, or the buzz of a cricket. It was late at night, the air felt fresh because of how humid it was. Lightbulb had no good reason to be walking down this trail at such a late hour, she simply couldn't sleep and decided to walk. Suddenly, her stomach sank. It was much quieter than before, a feat thought to be impossible. Something was off, a feeling of impending doom hung over her like a blanket. She halted and the air stirred, a distant, faint rustling coming from the foliage ahead. She narrowed her eyes in confusion; animals were rarely present in this particular forest.. A fellow object..? She slowly approaches it, her confusion clear on her face. 

Nothing but the increasingly louder rustling and the tip-tap of her feet.

. . .

A heartbeat passes. 

Lightbulb found herself at the bush, still rustling as if something were rolling around inside of it. Hesitantly, she parts the bushes to find a scruffy little blonde puppy, its muzzle had foam on it, was the poor critter sick?. She.. wasn't expecting this. As previously mentioned, animals were hard to come by in this forest.. , god knows why. Pure black beady eyes stare at her, unfazed. Behind the adorable little eyes, hides the crazed stare of a wild animal. It was not domesticated, though Lightbulb didn't pay much mind to that-- heck, she barely even noticed it.

"Omga! Hello there, cute little puppy!"

 She holds out her hand for the dog to take a sniff, beckoning it to allow her to pet it. It curiously sniffed at her hand, fingers splayed. 



. .

A scream. . . , her own. 

The dog had bitten her and she had shrieked. In a panic, she flaps her arms around, and after a few seconds inevitably hit the poor little puppy. It whimpered though snapped at her again, but this time she knew the thing was dangerous. She shook her hand, blood trickling from a bite wound. She could barely move it, it hurt so much, her fingers stay curled inwards. She kicks up some gravel towards the animal as she attempts to flee, the loose rocks making it difficult for her to keep her footing. She stumbles around as she runs, leaves swatting her in the face. She was disoriented by the continuous hit to the face, mainly because it covered her eyes momentarily. She dared not turn back, the animal might still be after her. She could feel her legs beginning to give out as her running slowed into a jog, soon into a trot and eventually into a feeble 'walk'. She inhaled sharply, trying to regain her breath. She looks at her hand; the wound had begun to clot while she was running for her life, dried carmine blood surrounded the bite. She blinked, her vision darkening, eyes focused on the bite. Carmine. She feels herself losing consciousness, and her legs buckling beneath her.


. . .

". .Lightbulb?". . 

"Light!--. . "

god how fucking emo is that


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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Carmine//Lightbulb AU | Angsty, completely for fun.Where stories live. Discover now