A princes desire (Pt 1)

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{Chaper 1}[A prince's desire]
(✷Pierce POV✷)

Me, Leif, Rhys, Noi, and Y/N were all trying to catch this human soul. We are to bring ut back to Asch so we can get more humans. That is because, this is the last soul on our world.

I had just struck down the soul with some of my magic. Once it feel to the ground I picked it up.

"Drop it!" I heard Noi shout from behind me "You heard the man. Now drop it this way." Leif said from the other end of the tree."It's mine. I rightfully cornered him fisrt." Noi stated "You wanna try me?" Leif asked Noi "Face me! I'm delivering it to his Highness first." Noi said. Then we are all in a circle pointing our weapons at each other.

"Petty, the both of you. Truly it doesn't matter who delivers it. As ling as it's me." Rhys saud, joining in the battle.

"Heh, catch." I said as I threw the soul in the air. It landed on Leifs head and he caught it in his hands. "It's mine!" Noi shouted, running at Leif with his daggers. Leif then blocked Noi's attack "Freeze." Rhys said as he shot his ice maguc at them which made Leif drop the soul. Noi quickly ran to get it but I kicked him out if the way.

Before I vould grab it though, Y/N rushed past me, grabbing the soul as she ran. Then a fire ball was shot. I quickly bowed down, as did the others.

Asch then stood in front of us all. "Your Highness. I can explain. We had optained th soul when it slipped from our grasp and-" Rhys was explaining but I cut him off "We had a delay." I stated.

"Well, is it hot in here or is it just me?" Lady grandma asked as she came out from behind Asch."Lady grandma?" Rhys questioned "Not now grandmother-" "Silence!" Lady grandma shouted at Asch.

"When I was queen of this land of daemos, I could have your tongue for speaking back at me." She stated.

"Why are you here?" Leif asked her "That soul you all obtained. You need to take it un harmed to the alter now or we'll not be able to use it." Lady grandma explained.

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