Ava's magic portal (Pt4)

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(❥Ava's pov❥)
We exit the shop and lorelie turns around to look at me."sorry it was so short I gotta run but Ava do give me a call sometime would love to hang." Lorelie said happily.

"Oh yea for sure, not." I said as lorelie walked away from all of us.

(✦Asch's pov✦)

"should we have spoken to that other female sorcerer who just left?" Noi asked "no this human female we already have is annoying as is.I don't wanna keep another." I stated and Y/N hit me with a slightly angered look.

"What?" I said to her and she just looked away.I have to admit it made me a little sad to see her upset at me but that doesn't matter.

Suddenly the human prisoner started walking away.Then Pierce, me, Noi, and Y/N started to follow her.

[Time skip]

All five of us were standing next to a shelf containing some kind of box."which, which one?" The human said to herself.

"Are we jusr going to watch her without talking?" Noi asked "quiet Noi!" I shouted"I'm trying to do what Rhys does and observe." I explain.

"Your quiet. It's nice." Peirce said confusing me "what does that mean?" I asked.

(❣Y/N pov❣)

"Ugh as much as I wanna feed me I'll have to het jonny food instead." The female human said, sounding upset."It's not his fault I don't have a job." Ava said putting the box back.

She then tured to face us "Can you guys not stare all weirdly.It's... Weird." She says to us."huh? How?" I heard Noi ask "huh?Oh right you guys don't have any manners.Right.This was fun at first but now I- you know what let's check ou and go home.I think that's enough adventure for one day." Ava said.

"what about these clothes?" Asch asked her "well try them on tomorrow.Like I said this weekend is perfect to get you guys out for now.After this weekend people won't jusr assume your weird cosplayers, they'll just assume you're normally weird." Ava explained.

"Fine, take us home sorcerer." Asch said."heh you don't command me, I'll leave when I want to." Ava stated.

We all stood there for a few seconds until Ava finally spoke up again "ok, we can go now." After she said that we all started to walk away.

[Time skip]

We all made it back to Ava's home and we walked inside.At the entry Pierce and Ava set down the bags they were holding.

Once they set the bags down we all then walked into the other room.

"Ok doesn't look like anythings missing which is kinda disappointing because then I would've could've called the cops with a good reason instead of a crazy one." Ava stated "Speaking of which were are they?" She asked referring to Rhys and Leif.

I then saw Rhys walk out of the wall and looked at Asch "Prince Asch, this way." He said making Ava gasp in surprise.

"They set it up!" Noi said with happiness as he then walked trow the wall "good." Asch stated.Pierce then walked up to the wall.Him and Asch then walked into the wall.

I looked also walked to the wall and turned around to look at Ava. Looking back I walked threw to see a lovely palace.

(ღAva povღ)

"Hold up, what!" I said in compete shock.I then walked up to the wall and walked right threw.I looked around the place and saw how big abd beautiful it was inside.

"What do you guys think?Rhys bound the room with the wall here.That way we feel more at home." The green horned demon said.

"It took a bit of my magic so I have to use the rest wisely." The smart one stated."It's perfect." The white horned demon muttered mostly to himself."This is really happening..." I said before my vision turned black.

(✰Pierce pov✰)

The human then passed out from what I'm assuming shock."oh no not again." Rhys said annoyed.

[Time skip]

After a little bit the female shot up and gasped."This isn't a dream still." She whispered to herself."Here maybe this will help you." I said and handed out the box she didn't grab when we were out "What the!?Where did you get this!?" She asked well shouting "I took it." I stated.

"With out paying!?" She yelled again "Paying?" I said confused."Ok." She said then sighed and continued "I'm good, I'm good for today.You guys learned about the mall, I got to pretend to be a magic wizardry sorcerer and you guys stole stuff cool.I'm just going to return these and um for now just give ne some time to decide what I wanna do next.Like leave me alone for a day or something.Bye!" She said sounding stressed.

We all stood back as she walked out."What happened?" Leif asked "Nothing that's what she said-" before he could finish Rhys cut him off "patients your Majesty.Trust her for now.She may be our only way to learn more about the humans." Rhys stated.

(✼third person pov✼)

Ava was walked into the kitchen and put some food in Jonny's food bowl.Jonny then came running and moewed happily.Ava then grabbed the cereal box and poured some for her.She thwn stood there and smiled.

Happy Friday everyone. Sorry this took so long to post.I've had a lot of school work rn but sense my winter break in soon I'll be able to post more often.I'm also sorry that this was such a short chapter, I was already so close to the end of the episode so it made the chapter way shorter then I would like.

word count:888

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