Ava magic portal (Pt2)

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(✪Ava pov✪)

Both of them look even more confused after I said that "a toy-lot?" He says confused.

I then stand in a battle pose with my pencil in one hand and a roll of toitet paper in the other."leave before I unleash my poers upon you." I say in a fierce tone."wait, we didn't mean any disrespect." He says in fear.

"To late." I said and flushed the toilet to scare them.He grabs tje girl hand and runs out of the bathroom slamming the door behind them.

"Just so you know humans enjoy in this room, spell mixing can be very difficult." I say and then hear the male demon "y-yes.apologize." he said.

I stare it the door in shock "that worked?I really am a powerful sorceress.I can do anything!" I yell in excitement.

I then attempt to do a back flip but fall hard on the floor."ow..."

[Small time skip](⁂Asch pov⁂)

I slowly open my eyes and see light from the sum shining in from the window.I sit up from the srange bed that was oddly soft.є-υятн ιѕ ѕтяαиgє (for those who can't read:E-urth is strange) I thought to myself.

I stand up and walk to the window and looks down at the humans below, all of them walking.

"Ugh." I walk over to Noi who is sleeping heavily and take out one of his daggers.Sense he sleeps as heavy as he does, it would make it easy to kill him.

I turn to make sure everyone was still asleep, especially Y/N.I can see that she's already growing fond of the human prisoner.I then turn around and walk into the sorcerers chambers.

(↫third person pov↬)

"Asch hasn't been acting normal." Leif says with his eyes closed "yes." Peirce says in response.

"Don't you think it's weird how docile we've been sence getting here?" Leif says as he opens his eyes "normally Asch wouldn't listen so easily and would have acted long before now." He continued "something's changed." Peirce says in reply.

"It's not our place to ask." Peirce said "your unquestioning loyalty is disgusting." Leif response with."I do not expect a former assassin to understand loyalty." Peirce mutters.

"We should wake Rhys and Y/N before Asch does something stupid." Leif says "yes."

[With Asch](✷Asch pov✷)

I walk towards the human sorcerer.I hold Noi's dagger with the idea of killing the human to gain her magic.

"Human.Your sacrifice will be remembered." I said, but before I could strike at the human something pushes me back, away from the human.

"Your Majesty, put down the knife." I hear Rhys wisper-yell from behind me.I turn around and see Rhys and Y/N."Why should I." I say in return "knifes kill humans." Rhys states.

"And?" I ask "Your Majesty, I'm all for your way of doing things but now isn't the time.One human isn't going to solve the entire magic crisis.We need to-" I cut him off as I look down at the female human "which part is the most tender to stab." I ask myself.

"Don't wake her up!She tried to kill me and Y/N last night." Rhys whisper-yells again.I see Noi walk in, his eyes slightly open.

"Have any of you see one of my daggers around?It's missing."Noi asks, walking into the room along with peirce."Quite Noi or you'll wake her." Rhys says louder this time.

The human groans, beginning to wake up slowly."g-good job Rhys.She's going to kill us." Noi whisper-yells as he steps closer to Y/N.

(✼Noi pov✼)

"You said she semmed kind." Rhys whispered back."But she told us not to come in here." I state.

Asch then steps away from the human "uh, she's going to wake-" the human cuts him off by groaning and opening her eyes slightly.

For comfort, I grab onto Y/N arm not wanting to be killed or her to killed either.I see Peirce walk up to the human and pet her head.

The human then instantly drifted back to sleep.Me and Rhys both sighed in relief.

"I could have killed her you know." Asch said as he looked at Peirce "Yes." Peirce said in return."Get out now!" Rhys whisper-yelled at all of us.

Me, Y/N, Rhys, Asch, and Peirce all exit the humans room with Rhys closing the door behind him.

"I had everything under control." Asch said in a upset tone "Your Majesty you almost had us killed." Rhys states."I grow tired of this charade we are playing." Asch says to Rhys.

"You and me both." I hear Leif say "Leif!" Rhys said sternly.

"I kind of agree." I mutter and I see Y/N look at me."Why are we dancing around here?We know the humans have dangerous weapons but, we've had a lot of chances to take on this female human here." I stated.

Rhys looks over to Asch and asks "Prince Asch, this mission is everything to you is it not?" "Well yes." Asch said "If we go back to deamos without a solid soutce to renew the magic, there isn't going to be a second chance.We single-handedly killed the last source of magic.If we return with nothing to show for it but a weak source of magic, that's it.We will lose everything.We will suffer humiliation and worse." Rhys tells Asch sternly.

"Our heads." I state as I lower my head.

"Precisely.No matter how valued we are in the ranks we will die.Asch you out of all of is will suffer the most." Rhys declared.I see Asch standing there with wide eyes.

"lighten up will ya." Leif says from behind me "huh?" "We aren't at that point yet.Besides Asch is just doing things like we would on deamos.Can't shame him for that huh." Leif states "I can shame him." Rhys says "well you can't shame me." Leif announced."You do that enough for your self already." Rhys said.

"Point is, we'll do things your way for now Rhys.Right prince Asch?" Leif ask "exactly." Asch replys with, shocking Leif "huh?" Leif says surprised.

"For now things are going according to plan.The female human will teach us to be humans, so we can learn their weaknesses." Asch said "Then once we know how they work we will bring the strongest back to deamos to extract their magic." He tells us.

"That's a good plan." I said in awe "An impressive strategy." Peirce also says.

"See he had a plan all along." Leif states."Alright then what's the next course of action?" Rhys asks.

"We kill no humans.We begin blending in.Leif, wake the prisoner up." Asch orders."With pleasure." Leif said with a grin.

"We need to begin assimilating ourselves with the humans immediately." Asch tells us.

(✿Ava pov✿)

I groan and ipen my eyes to see one of the demons laying in front of me.

"You should take it as a compliment I didn't kill you in your sleep." He said "Thanks.Can you kill me now so I don't have to deal with this horrible yet sexy nightmare that has become my life." I ask, not being serious.

"YES!" He says happily and pulls out his weapon.I sream in fear and hear someone from the living room yell "Leif what did I just say!?"

A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out.If you are liking the story please vote because I'll help a lot and make me wanna post more often.

Word count:1226

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