Ava's magic portal (Pt3)

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(Not my art.But it's really good)

(Im also going to change the thinking font to 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴)

(❥Ava's pov❥)

"Assimilate?" I ask "yes.Prince Asch would-" I cut him off as I bursted onto laughter.

"She mocks us?" I hear one of them question and I aslo a scoff from beside me."No no no, it's just you said ass." I said still laughing.

The snart one clears his troat and speaks "Prince Asch perhaps you can explain." "Ugh fine." He said back.He leans down at me and glares "teach us your human ways, now." He demanded."acting like that isn't going to-" "if I do will you guys leave?" I ask excided for them to finally leave.

The white horned looked at me again "faster then you can imagine."

"Really?" I question.

"Really." He said back.

"Really really?" I ask again

"Really." He said again sounding more annoyed.

"Really." The tallest said joining in with the female nodding from her place next to him.

"Really!" The ginger said sounding happy.

"Really." The white haired one said as well.

"Really!" I said sounding More happy to know they'll leave.

"Silence!" The leader said annoyed."kill joy." I mutter making the female giggle.𝘏𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦! 𝘞𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘷𝘢.I thought to myself.

"Look.when I wook up I was really hoping you guys would have robbed me and left by now." I tell them "why would you hope for that?" One of them questioned. "Because losing a few hundred dollar's isn't worth dealing with the stress of... Never mind." I say.

I look around at all of them and ask "yall really about this human thing huh?" "Assimilate us, now." The white horned demanded making me vlose my eyes and sigh.

"A sorceress like myself, it'll be hard to teach you the ways but..." I try explaining but was cut iff by a gasp "sorceress!" The ginger says in awe.

"First off, I must use my magic power to conjure you up some human clothing." I tell them."is what we're wearing right now not suitable?" The smart one questions "uhh, yea, that's because I casted a spell that attracted other demon's from around the world to one place.It's called a convention spell." I lied.

"A summoner?" The tall one asks."she can conjured demons?" "Woahh."

"Enough talk.Where are these clothes." The white horned demands. "Um, right." I then cleared my throat before speaking again "well first off."

I walk over the my room and come back with my piggy bank in hand "this here is-" the piggy bank was snatched out of my hands by the white horned demon "your magic is mine!" He shouts.

"What the- give me back my damn swear jar!" I demanded as I reach to grab it but couldn't.

"Peirce smash it!" He shouts at throws my swear jar at the tallest demon.The demon catches it and set's it on the table.He raised his fist and smashed my piggy bank.

I gasp as I look at the broken glass and hear a sigh from behind me."well..."

"Forgive us." The smart one said."it's alright. A small sacrifice to make as long as you guys leave as soon as possible." I said.I look at all the money "woah I had 150 bucks in this thing.Hell yeah.Wait does that count, ugh, ok 151 now." I say as I talk to myself.

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