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The cockpit of the Newton is quite spacious, with steel gray walls and a shiny metal floor. Holographic screens are suspended above the circular conference table, displaying images of the destination planet and mission data. Steel shelves are mounted on the walls, holding survival equipment and repair tools. 

On one of the walls, there is a large star map showing different stars and possible space routes. Next to the map are several Polaroid photos of the spaceship team, smiling in selfie mode.

Despite the professional atmosphere of the room, personal touches make it cozier.

Green plants are placed on a shelf, adding a touch of color and oxygen. Mugs on the right and left give the impression that the crew members often spend time together. 

The crew fought in the war against the States for the protection of the Moon. Captain Jackson Blackwood sits with his hands on the controls, while Lieutenant Mei Ling handles the final adjustments. Jackson is a sturdy-looking man, with a distinctive scar over his left eye. He looks focused but also ready to embark on the adventure at any moment. 

Considered space pirates during the 10-year war, Mei Ling, the Lieutenant and co-pilot, sits beside him, adjusting the dashboard instruments. She appears calm and professional, with black hair tied in a tight bun and a slender face. She speaks with a soft, confident voice, and her hands are skillful on the controls. 

Lara Washington, the gunner and Chief Cook, sits a bit further away, checking her equipment. She looks more rugged than the others, with Afro hair and a swimmer's build. There is a determined expression on her face, and she wears a black leather suit matching her gear. 

The cockpit is spacious and well-equipped, with touchscreens and buttons on all walls. The seats are comfortable, with safety harnesses for each occupant. The control panels are illuminated with a blue glow, creating a futuristic and high-tech atmosphere. 

But the atmosphere aboard the spaceship is electric as Mei Ling ensures everything is ready for the arrival of the new crew members. Lara swivels in her chair, checking the ship's weapons with skillful movements. 

- Isn't it a bit risky to bring scientists and soldiers on board? she teased. 

Jackson, checking the navigation systems, turned to her. 

- We've been on riskier missions than this; he said.

- Yeah, but you know how those little green men are, always wanting to save the world by yelling at us. Lara said, smiling. 

 Mei Ling sighed. 

- We need all kinds to make a world, Lara," she said, her voice lower. "Even damn soldiers."

Jackson smiled, shaking his head. 

 - Alright, enough of that. Remember, the war is over, no matter what anyone thinks, and we still have a lot to do. We'll be late if we don't hurry. 

Lara shrugged. 

-  I've been ready for hours. It's not me who's slow as a snail. 

- Snail, we say snail, not snail. Mei Ling corrected. 

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