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In the spaceship's cafeteria, the scientific and military members were all gathered on one side of the room, shouting and yelling at Spider, who was calmly perched on the opposite corner of the wall. The spaceship's cafeteria was surprisingly welcoming within this futuristic metal machine. The walls were covered with brushed metal coating, giving a sense of solidity and durability. Soft lights suspended from the ceiling created a warm atmosphere despite the steel surroundings.

At the back of the cafeteria, a large glass window offered a panoramic view of the infinite space, illuminating the place with a soft natural light.

It was as if the stars themselves were part of the decoration. Passengers could gaze at distant constellations and planets while sharing their meals.

Sturdy metal tables were arranged in regular rows, with ergonomic chairs to accommodate the crew and passengers. A large shelf near the entrance was adorned with green plants, adding a touch of nature to this highly technological space. Glasses and cups were neatly arranged on a shelf, ready to be used for moments of relaxation and camaraderie.

Overall, the spaceship's cafeteria combined the efficiency of space technology with a warm and friendly ambiance, creating a place where the crew and passengers could gather, relax, and share moments of camaraderie in the vastness of space.

Suddenly, the doors opened abruptly, revealing Captain Jackson Blackwood accompanied by the rest of his crew.

- What's going on here? exclaimed one of the soldiers, pointing at Spider.

The Captain stepped forward, smiling warmly.

- Hello, I am the Captain of this ship, and one of the last pilots from this planet. This is my crew, he said, indicating each of his companions. - We are delighted to meet you. And this is Spider, our four-armed friend. Or more accurately, a Polychéria, a person born into a constant state of weightlessness.

Spider, perched on a shelf, remained in the background, observing the scene with interest. He didn't seem very talkative, but his calm and relaxed demeanor reassured the passengers.

Spider was a unique and intriguing-looking teenager. His most striking feature was that he was born in space, within a family lineage in constant weightlessness. This condition had an impact on his physical development, setting him apart from most Earthlings.

Spider lacked legs, making him a singular being. Instead, he had four arms, giving the impression that he had hands in place of feet. His extra arms provided him with surprising agility and dexterity.

- I've heard about this before, but I've never had the chance to meet one, Dr. Emilie Turyng said, completely fascinated.

The dialogue was a bit awkward at first, but humor started to set in.

- I guess you need four forks to eat, right? joked another soldier, looking at Spider's arms.

Spider smiled, playing along.

- Actually, I need six, he replied jokingly.

- Four for eating and two more to skewer your eyes and make kebabs.

- Well, the kid has guts! retorted Sergeant.

The members of the two groups began to discover common ground and shared interests, exchanging anecdotes and jokes. The initial tension gradually eased, and the meeting ended in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

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