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Meanwhile, Beta group continued to move forward in this immense, seemingly endless corridor. Leading the procession, Dr. Marcus Williams noticed some anomalies in this enormous passageway.

- I don't mean to dampen the mood, but doesn't this corridor oddly resemble the one on the Newton? he remarked.

- He's right, Jackson. This resemblance is really bizarre, added Lara Washington, gripping her weapon tightly. Then, Corporal Chief joined the conversation.

- It's rather reassuring, isn't it? At least we know that the structure is likely human-made, he suggested.

- Garcia is right. I don't feel like I'm on an alien planet, retorted Sgt. James Reynolds before Corporal Titus Johnson noticed something.

- Look! It seems like we've come across an intersection.

- Finally, I was starting to lose hope. How long has it been? Half an hour of walking, right? asked Dr. Marcus Williams.

- Yeah, at least that's something. I've lost count by now.

Walking faster, our team reached the intersection of paths.

- Oh no, another corridor, exclaimed Dr. Marcus Williams.

- What do we do now, Jackson?

Captain Jackson Blackwood: "Sergeant?"

- Titus, you stay here. Deploy the scan-drone and sweep the rest of the corridor, and the rest of us will take this one.

- Understood, Sergeant!

Beta group ventured into this new corridor, which seemed just as endless as the previous one. Then, the Captain attempted to contact the ship.

- Meï, can you hear me? Meï? Well, just in case, we've entered another corridor, and we'll keep moving until we find... I don't even remember what we're looking for anymore. But if we find it, I'll keep you posted. Over!

- Jackson, reassure me. You do remember what we're looking for, right!?

- Not sure, Lara. Maybe you think we can reach the power center? Look how long we've been walking; we're nowhere near the center.

- Good thing we can breathe; otherwise, we wouldn't be able to venture this far. Dr. Marcus Williams reassured.

- Doc's right, and I think we should plan for our return. We shouldn't go deeper than a four-hour walk. Like you, I don't trust this planet at all. And what I see around me doesn't make sense.

- Yes, you're right. It's strange that the corridor resembles our ship. I've been observing the walls for a while; they have the exact same finishes, noted Lara.

- You forgot that we traveled back in time for thousands of years. Who knows what could have happened during all this time? Science tells us that Earth is in the exact position to support life-not too hot, not too cold. Now we know, there are more than 76,000 planets in our universe with these parameters.

- Except, Doc, we're not in our universe this time.

- Maybe, Corporal Chief, but the physical conditions don't change. So the probability of encountering a human-like form isn't far-fetched. That could also explain the structure of these corridors.

While loading his weapon, Sgt. James Reynolds didn't feel any more at ease.

- Sorry, Doc, I'll need more to convince me. I prefer to stay on my guard.

At the same moment, on the platform outside, Alpha group was heading towards a new ship.Meï Ling, still on audio.

- Al! Don't stray too far; remember the oxygen levels for the way back.

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