Chapter Twelve (2005): New Deal

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"Hey, you got something against my face, or what?" Satoru asked, causing Emi to giggle as they reentered the Jujutsu High campus.

Time had gotten away from the two first years, and already, that seemed to be a common theme for them. While they'd started training in the sweltering early afternoon of the weekend day, the sun had already set behind the horizon as they came upon the school doors, with the remaining embers of light quickly turning into night.

"Aside from the obvious things?" Emi teased. "Not really. Why do you ask?"

Satoru threw the door to the building open and closed it on Emi's face obnoxiously, causing the two to cackle like the school kids they were when she reemerged next to him a few seconds later. She shoved him in the back before grounding both hands on his shoulders and shaking him back and forth goofily.

"'Cause my face seemed to be your main target literally all day long." Satoru nagged, unable to hold the annoyance when Emi's arms hung around him from behind.

Satoru's love language was touch. He loved to give and receive because it was something so rare to him as a child. He always had a habit of projecting his touches onto Suguru, and while his best friend tolerated it, he didn't usually reciprocate as much as Satoru would have liked.

But, Emi seemed to match his energy. She always had her hands on him somehow, she was always in his personal space, and Satoru loved that. It was the first time he met someone with the same vibe as him, and he didn't realize that could energize him this much and make him feel so alive. So understood, even if he'd only known her a few days.

"I had to give you an incentive to actually work hard today during training, and no one loves Satoru Gojo's face more than Satoru Gojo." Emi pointed out as Gojo continued to walk again, hugging her arms around his neck from behind as he dragged her limp frame down the hallway.

The two broke down into laughter again at the squeaking sound Emi's shoes made as they skidded across the tile, and Satoru realized he found everything funny right now. Giddiness—that's what Suguru called it when the two of them got into these moods. It was Satoru's favorite mood to be in. He loved to laugh, and only started doing it when he arrived at this school.

He continued dragging her along as he walked the long trek to the infirmary. It was after hours, so the nurse had left for the day. But, it's whatever. Him and Emi were already becoming regulars here, they knew their way around well enough to fix up their cuts and bruises from today's session.

And Satoru was already thinking about tomorrow's training session, which was rare for him. Man, usually, you couldn't get him to head to the training gym willingly, and now he's thinking about what time he'll need to be up tomorrow to make sure he gets enough time in with Emi—for training, obviously.

"Fine. But, tomorrow, we do it my way. Cursed energy and all." Satoru feigned discipline in his voice, feeling the warmth of Emi's breath pressing into his back.

"Fineee." She mumbled against him, unintentionally inhaling his scent.

His shirt smelled like the chicory of the trees, a little bit of sweat, and also the last remnants of his laundry detergent, holding on for dear life. Somehow, the smell still wasn't unpleasant, and Emi wondered if there was ever a moment Satoru Gojo could be ugly or gross. Probably not.

Satoru was clueless to her thoughts, more focused on pushing her buttons and showing off instead. "And I'm not holding back." He threatened, already knowing the girl with no fear wouldn't play into his scary attempts.

"I'd be offended if you did."

The two approached the door to the infirmary and Emi released the hold she had on Gojo, exhaling a deep breath of content. She brushed past him to open the door, attempting to give him a little karma from earlier and close it on his face like he'd done to her. But, Gojo was stronger and too fast, grinning deviously as he overpowered her without fail, causing the two to giggle a little more hushed as they stumbled inside.

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