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Jungkook is stressed about the fact that tae has crush on his brother...he's now on his fourth cigarette he's thinking something..A brilliant idea comes to him as he dialed a number

"Hey come to...xyz...address" Jungkook says plainly

"Why what happened, want to hang out with me again" The girl said Seducingly

"Do you really think I've time for all this" Bitterness can be heard from jungkook's voice

"Jungkook let's do that again I'm dying to feel your body on mine" She shamelessly confronted her desire

"Jihyo this is the first and last help I'm asking from you..just do it"

"What will i get" Says jihyo

"Whatever you say" Jungkook doesn't even think twice

"Ok then wait for me"

"Hurry up come in twenty minutes"

Without hearing reply from other side jungkook cut the call and start smoking again.. Abruptly he feels a soft little pat on shoulder a small smile formed in his lips but he didn't turned back...

Taehyung's face become dismal.. He doesn't like the attitude which jungkook showed him a moment ago..

Taehyung stood a little distance away next to jungkook he glanced at jungkook  This is the first time I'm seeing him wearing different colour other than black, jimin wasn't lying when he said he's hot af

Taehyung stood a little distance away next to jungkook he glanced at jungkook  This is the first time I'm seeing him wearing different colour other than black, jimin wasn't lying when he said he's hot af

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(Ignore the mic and glasses😂)

"I know I'm handsome but stop looking at me like that people will think you're pervert" Said jungkook Without even looking at taehyung

"I don't care what people think" taehyung was waiting for Jungkook's playful reply but not even a single word came out from his mouth

Taehyung eyes sees something which displeased his senses.. The tip of five to six cigarette was thrown on the floor

"Are you addicted to cigarette Or what.. It's not good for your health"

"It's all upon you.. Who am I to stopped you from your habit it's your life anyway" Am I talking to myself taehyung thinks

What happened to him today..why ain't he saying something,am I disturbing him,am I boring I think he's tired,should I leave him alone, am I being annoying..weird thoughts start to running on taehyung's mind he turn around to move from there when suddenly his beautiful eyes land on someone

Bogum is dancing with one girl while hugging and kissing her

Suddenly taehyung feels someone's hand covered his eyes from behind and sneak one arm on his waist taehyung's heart take a fast pace...

The chest is familiar, his hands start sweating.. He feels jungkook's lips touched his earlobe

" She's jihyo bogum's girlfriend" Taehyung raise his brows on confusion why he's telling me this..

"Dance with me sweetheart" His legs feels jelly and he stumbled forward jungkook grip on taehyung's waist gets tight to save him from falling..

"Careful" Jungkook whisper removing his hands from taehyung's eyes and turn him around towards himself to see his face

Taehyung nodded his head,why did he nodded he doesn't know he looks down and slips his teeth into his bottom lips..

Jungkook takes Taehyung's hand and drag him to the dance floor he put Taehyung's hands on his own neck and he slips his hands on Taehyung's waist

"Look at me" Taehyung is shy to look at jungkook's eyes..

Jungkook lifts Taehyung's chin to look at those fetching eyes... The world stops for them

Both start to sway their bodies left and right in a rhythmic way. . Taehyung eyes glistened and a smile across over his lips

Jungkook moved his lips to Taehyung's ears and whisper lovingly "you are looking extremely splendid in the clothes I've chosen for you, the colour suits you and the earrings is looking phenomenal on you sweetheart"

This is the moment Taehyung was waiting for ever since he stepped in the party.. Compliment from jungkook

Taehyung tighten his grip on jungkook neck and hide his face on his chest..jungkook pulls Taehyung even more closer..not even a single air can be passed between them

Jungkook pulls Taehyung slightly upward and dropped his head on Taehyung's shoulder "I love it wherever you get shy"

Both are on their own little world that they doesn't know all the friends of them gawking at them with their astonished eyes..jimin is worried for Taehyung he warned him but it had too late..he sighs and nuzzle his head on suga's chest..

Bogum sees Taehyung and Jungkook  so close it irked his heart..Is Taehyung was the one kook was talking about, it can't be true right.. The glass bogum is holding in his hand breaks due to his tight grip

Taehyung and jungkook are on their own lane when jungkook phone rings not once but twice

"Pick the call jungkook, it might be important" Says Taehyung softly

"I don't care"

"I said Pick it up"

"Ok ok don't be mad" Jungkook move from their.. Taehyung eyes is still on jungkook when suddenly

Taehyung was twirled around by someone and his hand land on a hard chest it happened so fast that Taehyung didn't even know what happened

When his eyes land on dark one he smile a bit "Dance with me tae"

Taehyung become normal when he realizes that this is bogum he put his one hand on bogum's neck and other on bogum's palm they sway their body together

Jungkook was talking to jihyo when his eyes falls on bogum and Taehyung his hands start shivering he doesn't like a bit when someone touches Taehyung

"Meet me in the lavatory corridor" Says jihyo

"Why" He gripped his phone tightly it's wrenching his heart to see Taehyung on someone else arm

"I don't help anyone for free"

Jungkook cut the call, he put his phone and slips his hand on his pocket... He just wanted Taehyung to looks at him just once so that his heart can be in ease..He waited for at least five to ten minutes but Taehyung never looked back at him

Even bogum is his brother but at this moment he wanted to punch his brother too.. His heart breaks even more when he sees both of them are laughing together,they look very happy together..

He left the party and made his way to lavatory...

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