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Today is the day jimin and suga have been waiting for impatiently the engagement ceremony.

Finally jimin and suga will be engaged officially today.

Jimin is so excited that he's dancing in his room with taehyung laughing wholeheartedly seeing his silly dance.

He is dancing like this deliberately to see such a beautiful smile on taehyung face which was lost years ago.

"Jojo stop your makeup will ruin if you keep sweating" Says taehyung and trying to not burst out with laugh again.

Jimin stops and take taehyung's hand and both started to dance like a a drunk person.

But they didn't know that two shadow is standing on the door looking them fondly one with tears in eyes


The other one is not taking his eyes off from taehyung

this is the first time I'm seeing you this happy and not gonna lie your face brighten up when you laugh like this..

To gain both besties attention Mrs. Park coughed. "Uhmm"

The dancing duo stops in the middle..

Mrs park comes near taehyung and cup his face "you're looking so beautiful tae"

"Indeed" Mumble taecyeon.. No one hears what taecyeon mumble but jimin did.

"Oh god you both are acting like tae is the one who's getting engaged today.. Who's gonna compliment me" Jimin says playfully.

"Jimin-ah today your looking extra-"

Jimin cover taecyeon mouth he knows a good word can never comes out from taecyeon mouth for him.

"Jojo leave him" Mrs. Park scold jimin.

"Mumma he'll never praise me i know" Says jimin and remove his hands

"Jojo leave him don't spoil your mood because of him" Says taehyung and side eyed taecyeon who's eyes were on him already.

"Ok let's go guest must have reached the venue" Says Mrs. Park and all of them walks out of the mansion.
Outside of the mansion three cars were lined up.

Again taecyeon and jimin started to bicker "I'll take taehyung in my car" Says taecyeon.

"Why.. He's my best friend he'll come with me" Jimin argued

"Shut up both of you I'll go with mom" Says taehyung and both him and Mrs. Park goes to other car.

Mr. Park stand there Dumbfoundly and says "let's go yeon I'll go with you"

Taecyeon smirks at jimin and sit on his car with Mr. Park.

"Jojo come with your car it's your engagement today" Mr park says

"Thanks for your concerns" Says jimin sarcastically and sit on his car with sulky face and says to driver

"let's go"

"My baby will compliment me you all are so cruel" Jimin says to himself.


Jimin's family cars halts in front of Min's mansion. All comes out of the car.

There standing suga's family who are ready to welcome them.

Mr and Mrs park gets out of the car and Mrs. Min comes near them and hug them and says "welcome welcome".

Jimin car reach 5-6 minutes late when he comes out of the car he goes near his soon to be mother in law and greet sweetly with bowing his head " Hello mom"

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