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Heavy breathing can be heard in the gym, as a CEO of jeon enterprise is punching and kicking the punching bag harshly without his gloves on, while wearing only his trouser, sweats are dripping off his body and making his trouser wet.
(you know what is wet too 😏)

His knuckles turned red due to the constant harsh punch. His moment comes to halt when he hear his phone ring.

He tap the airpods which is always sticked to his ear.

"Sir it's urgent" Says jungkook assistant.

As soon as he heard urgent he cut the the call and with the last hard punch he withdraw his hand.

Jungkook rushed toward the bathroom he striped his remaining clothes and stand under the shower .

He puts his one hand on the wall and looks down.

He himself doesn't know how long he has spent standing under the shower in the same position.

His trace of thought interrupt when a knock was heard from outside. He pulls out his rob wrapped around himself and made his way towards the door.

"What are you doing here" Says jungkook blankly to the person who's standing in front of him.

"What..can't I even come to my brother house" Says bogum

Jungkook had left jeon's mansion after becoming the CEO of jeon enterprise and bought a separate mansion for himself.

"Don't you have some better things to do early in the morning instead of roaming around my home"says jungkook and moves away from the way and strides towards his walkin closet.

" No pig, I'm here to deliver your breakfast" Bogum says and plopped on the bed.

"You're older than me still behave like a kid have some manners and get up from the bed you're ruining the bedsheets" Says jungkook his expression is still blank.

Jungkook takes twenty minutes to get ready and walks out he saw bogum is still laying on bed he shook his head.

he comes downstairs and looks at the boxes which bogum has placed in the dinning table.

He goes near the dining and sit on the  seat and started having food. Mrs jeon always sends food for jungkook since the day jungkook leaves jeon's mansion.

He hasn't hired servants too cause he doesn't want disturbance in his mansion, he wants to live in peace.

He was having his food when the hurricane comes from upstairs while whistling.

"Did you like the food" Bogum says

Bogum settled on the seat next to jungkook "mom has called you for dinner today and don't you want to meet dad"

"I don't have time today" Says jungkook and drinks the juice.

" Then make time for them" Bogum says drumming the table.

"Some other day" Jungkook wipes his mouth and gets up from the seat.

Bogum also does the same and trailed behind jungkook.

Jungkook halts his steps in the mid and turns to bogum who grin while showing his 32 teeths to jungkook.

"I know why you're coming here in a regular basis" Bogum smiles drained off after hearing jungkook's words.

"Rest assured, I won't harm myself again you don't have to come regular to check on me" Jungkook says seriously

Bogum take a sigh "you've said this again and again yet you still do it" Bogum says with a whispering voice.

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