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Jimin is in taehyung place today both bestie had dinner and straight went to bed for sleeping both are playing on the phone while lying on bed..

jimin is wondering whether to ask this question to taehyung Or not because suga has told something to him and he himself wanted to ask this question to taehyung for a long time

He turns towards taehyung he decides that he'll ask this question today..

"Tae" Jimin turns towards taehyung so that he can read taehyung's expression

"Hmm" Taehyung is playing a game on phone

"What do you think of jungkook" As soon as jimin takes jungkook's name, taehyungs finger halt in the keyboard of his phone..

Jimin notices it that jungkook names affect taehyung...

"Why" Questioned taehyung

"Just asking,  tell me"

"What is there to think about him" Taehyung puts his phone on side and turns his back to jimin...

"Isn't he handsome he's so popular in college and girls and boys both are crazy about him"

"Jojo shut up" Jimin is keep blabbering about jungkook this jungkook that

"He looks so dominant like an alpha personality"

"Jimin I said keep quit"

"I think he has girl-" Taehyung anger has reached his limits and he shout at jimin

"Jimin I said shut the fuck up if you want to talk about him then go to his place"

Jimin smiles at taehyung's outburst after a long silence

"Tae you fell for him" Jimin says softly to taehyung


"Yess" Jimin moves closer to taehyung and back hugged him..

"N-no I don't love him" Taehyung blubber to himself

"Still in denial yess kim taehyung you fell for him" Jimin says in taehyung's ear while caressing the side of taehyung's arm...

Taehyung grip his pillow tightly, tears pooled up in his eyes

"The more you hide your feelings for him the more you fall for him tae so accept it" Jimin says and nuzzle his face on taehyung's neck

Taehyung turns Towards jimin and hide his face on jimin's chest eventually he burst out in tears..

"Jojo  i-i  don't  k-know how  t-this happened I didn't w-wanted to fall for him but I did..i d-dont even k-know when I started to feel something for him Jojo t-tell me what should I do" Taehyung says.

"You don't have to do anything tae if jungkook loves you he'll definitely comes to you"said Jimin

"W-what if h-he doesn't love me then"

Jimin gets up from the bed he gets up to bring water for taehyung..

Jimin pour some water on glass and comes near taehyung

"Drink water first you're Hiccuping too much" taehyung took the glass and drinks in one go

"Let's talk in the morning it's too late now we've to go college tomorrow"
taehyung nodded, jimin wipes taehyung tears and both layed down, Jimin embraced taehyung who put his head on jimin's chest and both drifted off to sleep


On the other hand someone is having trouble sleeping

Jungkook is tossing around in the bed the tears in his eyes also dried up.. This is the second time he cried for someone after his mother death...

There is no sleep at all in his eyes his eyes are fixed at ceiling, he gets down from his bed and walks to balcony and grab  two cigarette and lit up both..

He inhale a sharp amount of smoke and exhale it... He looks up to moon "just like you I'm also alone in this world.. I've only one father left in this world, he too is busy in his work"

"Mom are you watching me.. Mom I miss you, I wanted you to meet someone but he's no longer mine oh sorry he was never mine to begin with" He chuckled bitterly..

He avert his eyes to the cigarette in hand and mumble "I'm missing him what should I do, should I go to his house"

"N-no jungkook he doesn't likes you" He's mumbling to himself

"Just once please I-I want to take a glimpse of him i won't bother him after that"

Jungkook doesn't know that bogum is in the room too ever since jungkook woke up,  bogum has been awake too and listening to jungkook's blubbering..

Bogum is afraid jungkook health will worsen now... He gets up from the couch and goes near jungkook

"Kook why are you smoking in the midnight" Jungkook flinched.. Jungkook goes near bogum and says with his broken voice

"H-hyung i want to see him j-just let me see him for once hyung"

"Kook it's midnight-" Jungkook is not letting bogum talk

"You can take him after that i won't bother you guys but please let me see him for once hyung" Jungkook plead and fell down on his knee his cigarette slips out from his hand

Bogum crouch down in jungkook's level and says "let's meet him tomorrow ok he must be sleeping right now"

Jungkook just wanted to see taehyung he's not asking too much right?

"J-just once please" Jungkook again plead to bogum

Bogum closed his eyes he can't see jungkook like this taehyung is ingrained in jungkook's heart and mind, he never thought Jungkook would be gone this crazy for someone..

"People are right when they say  human addiction is more dangerous than anything"


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