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~We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our part for a reason…~


“I keep telling you this and I will keep saying it until you listen, Jungkook needs to know the truth.” Lily said.

Dohwa let out a deep breath as she handed over a glass of water to Lily. “You don’t get it, Lily, do you? It’s my son we are talking about here.”

“A son who enjoys watching his mother suffer? Oh come on, Dohwa.” She groaned.

Dohwa sat down on the couch opposite from her friend, Lily. “He doesn’t enjoy seeing me cry.” She said, avoiding eye contact with Lily.

“Oh, really.”

Dohwa sighed again before looking up at her friend. “He’s in so much pain.” She whispered quietly.

“I know but you are in a even more bigger pain than he is.” Lily stood up to her feet and went to sit down at the empty spot beside Dohwa. “You lost your husband, and thankfully you didn’t lose your son but let’s face reality…” She paused. “You also lost a son that night. It might not be physically but it was mentally.”

Lily was damn right. Her son might still be alive but still it felt as though she lost both her husband and son. The truth scared the hell out of her.

She loves her son so much and she’s ready to do any goddamn thing for him regardless of what it may be. He wasn’t making things easy for her.

He hates her.

He despise her.

He even went as far as suspecting her to be his father’s murderer. Why will she even do that to her husband? The man she very much loves and adore?

Yes, they had misunderstandings in the past. It was normal for a couples to have misunderstandings one or two times in their lives but that doesn’t mean they hate each other or result into killing the other. No. It rather make their love grow stronger.

According to Jungkook, she hated her husband before he took his last breath which was a lie. She never hated him. Never.

She loves her husband so much. That’s one reason she refused to get married to another man. The thought of marrying another man that wasn’t her last husband scares her. And it makes her feel like she’s cheating on him with another man.

“Jungkook loves his father so much. And losing him was like a big blow to him on the face. His father was like his superhero, his best friend, his best buddy, his everything. He adores him.” She sniffed. She was at the verge of crying. In fact she was already crying. “He always wanted to be like him when he grows up to become a man” She paused, as she reminisce on that one memory she can never forget. “He loves me too and always promised to protect me alongside his father. He said he will not tell anything bad happen to me and that men are meant to protect the people they love. I was one of those people he…loved.” She said sadly. “But everything changed as soon as my husband died.” She smiled through her tears. “I lost my husband and I lost my lovely son. But still, I don’t hate the son I have right now. I don’t hate my son. He might be treating me badly, he might hate me, he might wish me death but he’s still my son.” She paused again. “It’s better this way than the other way round, you know?”

Lily wrapped her arms around her friend’s shoulder and pulled her closer to her side. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“I should never have said those words to you about Jungkook.” She patted Dohwa’s head gently, “He’s just a broken guy with a messed up life and memory.”

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