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~I am unstoppable~


"Are you okay?" He asked, pulling him up to seat.

Jungkook slowly nodded his head, shutting his eyes close.

He was wasted.

Completely wasted.

Jimin doesn't still understand why a guy this handsome, hot, and wealthy will dedicate himself into drinking to the extent of getting drunk!

Is that even normal?

He hated seeing him this way.

He wish he won't drink like this ever again.

He wish Jungkook could confide in him and listen to everything he ask of him.

He wish he could make him happy.

But, was he himself even happy?

"I will be right back." He told him, standing up to his feet and walking away from the beach.

Minutes later he returned with a bottle of water and a sandwich. He sat down beside him again, taking off the cap of the bottle and handing the water to Jungkook.

Jungkook eyes were still close. Jimin gently patted his back, making him open his eyes. He stared up at him, his eyes were red and puffy.

Have he been crying before he called him here?

Did something happen between him and his mother?

Was he sick?

What the hell was going on?

Since he got here Jungkook have said nothing to him and it was worrying the shit out of him.

Seeing him this broken and sad hurts him like a bitch ... although he doesn't know why he feels this way but he still does.

"Here," He pulled the water to his mouth, indirectly asking him to open his mouth, Jungkook tried collecting the bottle but he refused. "I will give it to you myself."

"I will..." His voice was so dry.

"Jungkook, I will give the water to you myself. Now, open your mouth." He ordered.

He hesitate for a while before giving in. He opened his mouth, letting him give him water. He swallowed the water while Jimin closed the bottle and dropped it on the beachy sand. He grabbed the sandwich, peeled it open and gave it to him but he rejected it.

"You need to eat, Jungkook." He said.

He shook his head again. "I...I don't eat."

"Are you kidding me right now, Jungkook? Who the hell doesn't eat in this world?"


"Stop joking around and eat this sandwich." He stated.

"I...ouch!" He rubbed his hand at the back of his head. Yeah, he had just hit him there. "What was that for?"

"If you don't eat this sandwich... I'm going to beat you like a child. You need to sober up and I have something very important to talk to you about."

"Then talk."

"In this state of yours? Never."

"Then let's talk tomorrow." He shrugged, looking ahead at the flowing waters. "Besides I'm already sobered up. I'm fine now."

"Jungkook... you seriously won't eat this sandwich?" He questioned, looking at him sadly.

Jungkook slowly turned to look at him, saying nothing. Neither of them said a word as they kept staring into each other's eyes.

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