♡Chapter Six♡

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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬


Jade heard a gentle knock on her door just as she'd been settling to go to bed after delving into the mini library which had been delivered to her room per Mr. Berkley's request. Jade's eyes glance over at the time, a few minutes short of midnight. She only knows of two people who'd be likely to reach out at this hour, and considering Amos's communication to give her space, that only truly leaves one of them.

Jade places down the book she'd barely been reading and walks over to her door. She slides her feet into her slippers and recalls her sheer nightgown which has brownie points for comfortability but a negative score in modesty. Considering the likelihood of the visitor being Eden, Jade consciously covers herself as she grabs the doorknob and slowly presses her ear to the door. Though on the off chance, she's faced with a polite intruder, her left hand clutches around a dagger she slid off her nightstand just in case.

"Who is it?" Jade asks softly as the voice behind the door remains silent. Jade waits a few more seconds with her ear pressed against the door before she hears the person lean forward and whisper.

"Jade, it's me." The voice on the other side of the door says. Upon hearing the soft familiar voice Jade quickly tosses aside the dagger and throws open her door. In front of her stands Queen Veronica, dressed in a long royal purple night gown insinuating that she'd hurriedly left her room. The queen's long hair is tied neatly in a French braid that rests on her right shoulder, a style that Jade has done on her behalf for years, though she notices that the braid is tighter than what the queen normally prefers.

"Your Highness? Please forgive my surprise, how can I be of service?" Jade asks while offering her queen a curtsey out of respect, easily slipping back into the mindset of a lady-in-waiting who will always be at the beck and call of her queen.

"Forgive my appearance, I decided to go out on a nightly stroll since my spirit was uneasy and I couldn't understand what was disrupting it. As I was walking past the garden, I found my son. He informed me of the disagreement he had with Eden, as well as a few other things." the queen explains as Jade sighs heavily. She'd made a promise to the queen to do her best to make everything work between her and Amos, but she lost sight of her duty only the second night home.

"Your majesty, I-"

"I'm delighted to hear that you're open to hearing about God. Once Amos told me I rushed over and knew I had to give this to you. Perhaps if you get a free moment after you've finished your training for the day, we can read it together and I can answer some questions you may have." the queen cuts in with an excited smile as Jade looks down to see a white leather covered Bible in the queen's hands.

"Oh, this is what you meant. Thank you, Queen Veronica, I'll cherish it." Jade says surprised yet grateful. She figured that Amos would've told her about the awkward confession that was made, but perhaps he truly didn't mind just as he'd led on. Despite beginning to think hopefully, Jade notices the knowing expression in the queen's eyes and knows the conversation is far from over.

"I can assure you; this will help provide clarity regarding the other issue as well." The queen says while placing the Bible gently into Jade's hands. Jade can only manage an awkward nod, once again not surprised that the queen was made aware of the full story. She and her son are very alike in more ways than one, they mask their feelings for the sake of others despite doing or saying things now and then which proves just how deeply they care and pay attention to those around them.

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