♡Chapter Seven♡

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Charity suffers long, and is kind; charity envies not; love vaunts not itself, is not puffed up, Does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil; Rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; Bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NKJ.


One Week Later

Jade feels her eyes growing heavy as she writes additional notes from the book she'd been reading on 'The Art of Being Silent'. It's been one week since Eden had left, and though it admittingly took a while to cope, Jade had eventually dried her tears and gotten back to work. She had resumed her training with Mr. Berkley, decided to make a routine out of sparing with Idris, and spent her free time studying the Bible with the queen.

Since the night she received the letter, she had been avoiding running into Amos, mainly by occupying her time with tasks where they wouldn't be able to converse even if he did pop up. She still feels strongly about him, but until the guilt goes away, she can't think about pursuing the relationship which led Eden to leave Aria for an undetermined amount of time. Jade heard a knock at her door, but before she could answer, the door opened slightly. Jade's head jerks upwards to find Amos peaking in through the doorway while wearing a relieved expression.

"Oh Jade, thank goodness I've finally caught you," Amos says as he opens the door the rest of the way and steps inside while Jade shrugs casually despite feeling uncomfortable about him seeing her like this. She hadn't washed her hair in days, her eye bags were fully loaded, and clothes and food crumbs were scattered around her room as if hit by a tornado. Regardless of the state of her room and herself, Amos's bright eyes hold no note of those things, just concern for her.

"Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't find the time for us to read together, the queen insisted that she do some study sessions with me. Then there's my training with Mr. Berkley and Idris, and of course, you always remind me I have to have a solid prayer life and..." Jade stops rambling as she takes in the disappointed look on Amos's face.

"What is it? Did something happen?" Jade asks almost in a panic as Amos sighs in that disappointed way she remembers as he walks over to Jade while nodding casually.

"Yes, something did. One of my best friends abruptly up and moved out of the kingdom, and my other best friend, while she remained in the palace, seemed almost more distant than the one who'd left physically." Amos says indirectly as Jade looks away from Amos's piercing gaze and returns her attention to her notes.

"I'm sorry Amos, I've just been very busy. I want to study my hardest to do well for everyone and I just don't have time for-" Jade's words are cut off as Amos turns Jade's chair with a loud screech and places his hands on either side while leaning down and staring at Jade who doesn't have a chance to hide any longer. Jade holds her breath at the unexpected action, especially because she's expressly aware of her less-than-sanitary hygiene at the moment.

"Jade, you're running away from your feelings by burdening yourself with responsibilities. Stop running and take a break with me." Amos says more as a command than a suggestion as Jade covers her mouth and leans away from Amos embarrassed.

"I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not in the best state to be taking a break right now. This place and I, are currently a mess."

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