Chapter 8: Why

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Cassandra sits with her head on her knees. Her mind was going in a constant turn. Created to be a weapon. That was her sole purpose. Nothing was going to change that. Or was there a way to fix it?Was there a way for her to believe that, they turtles'll come for her? That she could escape?

"Come on, time to get up. we have a mission for you," Karia opens the door.

Cassandra doesn't move. There was no way she would actually do what these people tell her, right?

Karia sighs, "I didn't want it to come this far, 70124..."

"Cassandra. My name is Cassandra," She corrects, interrupting Karia.

"No, your name is whatever i want it to be. I could call you..." Karia smiles, "Death. Your new name is Death."

If Karia thought Cassandra was going to respond to that, she was in for a surprise.

"Like I was saying, Death..." Karia emphasizes the name, "If you don't work with us we will take drastic measures. Your family for instant. How much can you care for something you just meet? Will that push you to do as I ask?"

Cassandra looks at her quizzically, her stomach dropping. She understood, but wanted conformation.

"If you don't do as told, then one by one, you family will become smaller. So id you want to get to know them, then I suggest you do as you are told," Karia smiles at her.

No... But she didn't have a real chose, did she? Her family? Or her free will? She makes a low growl, "Fine, but take this collar off." Cassandra grabs the collar with distaste.

"Sorry, can't do that. That's in case you try to play little miss hero. It'll either knock you out, or send a painful shock through you," Karia shrugs.

Cassandra eyes her with distaste. "Why are you doing this?" She couldn't understand cruelty.

Karai looks at her, raising an eyebrow, "Well, it all started with your parents. They aided my fathers worse enemy, Hamato Yoshi, or as you know him, Splinter. So my father declared war on them, and they were on the run. However my father did recover you, and he seemed to have a use for you. So, he set up an elaborate plan to teach you what you needed in order to serve him as your weopon, then injected you with the crain stuff and various animal DNA. It was a really good idea, till those two clowns messed it up, anyway. Now we are here. And my father still wants to use you. I mean, he did spend fifteen years shculpting you. To have all that wash way in just a few short weeks?" Karai finishes.

A few weeks? She was with the turtles for a longer time then she had first thought. How long has she been in the glass box? About a week and a half, she guessed.

"Are you going to try and retrain me?" She gives Karai the stink eye.

Karai shrugs, "Kind of. Anyway, lets go. You need to learn how to take cammands and orders from me."

Karia leads her to another empty room. Ubove the opsite wall was a room behind a glss window. Shredder sat up there, along with her family.

"Welcome, everyone! Today, we get to see first hand the amaizing and skilled..." Grand dramatic pause,"...Death."

Cassandra cringes with anger. That wasn't her name!

Doors open and men in black... no... they weren't men, they were robots. They moved with a syncopated rhythm.

"Death, you must follow my every command, or your family will pay the price," Karai instructs, then she points to the bot guys, "Transform into a tiger and take out these bots."

Cassandra glances up at her parents. She didn't want anything bad to happen to them, so she transformed.

Her parents gasped and looked on in horror. Their little girl was turned into a monster.

"Pretty neat, isn't it. She is the perfect human, or should I say, mutant, weapon," Shredder explains to the family.

"What did you do to her?" Joy sprang up, Gilbert trying to hold her back.

"I made her better. I made her into something that can survive, and kill, and follow my command. I made her into what you proved not to be to me," Shredder gruffs.

"That's... that's not our little girl, Joy..." Gilbert breaths out. He was watching as Cassandra, or what was suppose to be Cassandra, chew up and scratch through metal.

"Gilbert! How can you say that? She is our daughter! A mother knows!" Joy had tears coming out of her eyes.

Gilbert pulls Joy into his lap and whispers in her ear. "Joy... we have to face facts. That thing down there, that's not our Cassandra. We lost our Cassandra. Lets not ruin the memory her."

Joy pulls away. Was Gilbert right? Was that not her daughter anymore?

Cassandra had transformed back into a human looking girl, and looked up at Joy. Joy pressed her hands on the glass, wanting to hold her daughter. That was her daughter. And no on was going to tell her different.


"Come on guys. We have to think. Where would they take her" Leo was pacing.

"She could be anywhere..." Donnie was on the computer.

"Then we'll just have to check everywhere," Ralph stands up from his crouched position.

"Eating just isn't the same without her..." Mikey's voice came out low and sad.

"Guys, I found something strange..." Donnie calls out.

Everyone runs to the computer and looks at a screen with a blinking white light.

"What is it?" Leo inquires.

"I was looking for anything strange in the areas, and I found this 'abandoned' warehouse that's using a lot more energy then any skyscraper in New York City would make." Donnie explains.

"Then we go there," Leo says aloud, But everyone was already ready to leave, no orders were necessary.


"Father, the girl is back in her cage, what's next?" Karai walks in.

"Wiping her mind of all the unclean garbage she was feed..."


Cassandra sits in her cage. She had seen a look in her mothers eyes that made her feel so happy. But the look in her fathers and brothers eyes scared her. It was like they were looking at a.... monster.

Was she a monster? She wasn't really human, was she? What is she? Is she something to be feared? Something to be used?

Cassandra tried to make the thoughts stop and go away, but they kept popping up.

She tosses and turns. She was made to kill, and to cause harm But she has done none of those things.

"Death, you have a visitor," Cassandra looks up form the ground and sees warm blue eyes looking at her.

"Where is her blanket? And her bad no pillow? She should be sleeping on the floor." This makes Cassandra smile.

"Mommy!" Cassandra stands and walks over to the glass.'

"How's my little girl?"

Cassandra smiles, "Fine," She looks behind her mother, "Where is daddy and big brother?"

Joy bits her lip.

"They didn't want to see you," Karai puts in, earning a glare from Joy.

Cassandra feels a little bit of herself shrivel, "They think I'm a monster..."

"No! No sweetness, you are not a monster.."

"Then I'm a mutant..."

"No. You are none of these things. You are you.

But what was she if she was just her?

If she's not human, or mutant, or monster, then what was she?

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