Chapter 2

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Cedric climbed up the highest tree with his note book and pencils, he began to draw not Cho but Harry Potter. The two of them never really talked at school Cedric was the popular boy and harry was the shy fourteen year old that he's crushing on, Cedric shouldn't think about him but his thoughts couldn't be helped. He loved the way harry would push his glasses up his perfect nose, he would fix his messy shoulder length hair . Everything about the scrawny  git was perfection. 

Once Cedric had finished drawing his picture He casted a a charm on the picture to make it move, picture harry wore a Hufflepuff tie as as a blindfold  , he was naked from the waist down and he wore a collar around his neck. Picture Cedric was standing behind picture harry fucking his entrance, "Arthur! My good man what kept you?" he heard his dad say then he heard  Mr Weasley's voice  from below "Sorry Amos but some of us had a sleepy start".

"Cedric, come down from there!" his dad called from above, groaning Cedric stashed his drawings into his satchel and climbed down from the tree ."Everyone, this is my son Cedric " Amos said proudly Cedric noted that Ginny and Hermione gave each other a look , but Harry's eyes locked with his and time froze. All he could do was stare at those ocean blue eyes , he wished that he could could kiss harry right there.

"Dad, we must get going or we'll miss the game" he said his tone suggesting that he wished he were out of here Amos patted his son's shoulder "Cedric is right , come on everybody let's get to the portkey". As they walked the sun rose above the clouds everyone was in front, but Cedric decided to stay with Harry.  

"What's a portkey?" Harry asked Cedric answered his question immediately "an magical object that can transport you anywhere you wish to go" he smiled.


"Brilliant Indeed"

Cedric and Harry sped walked in silence for the rest  of the way until Cedric  broke the silence.

"You need a haircut"

"You think so?"

"If you have it short you'll be able to see better when you play quidditch"

"Thanks for the tip" Harry rolled his eyes.

Shit he'd blew it.

"COME ON YOU TWO HURRY UP" Arthur called.

"COMING!" they both said at the same time then Cedric ran off, leaving Harry alone "HEY!, WAIT UP!". They all reached the portkey at last everyone placed their hands on the mangy old boot and off they went Harry, Hermione, Ginny , Ron, Fred and George fell onto the ground. Cedric , Arthur and Amos were floating on air. 

Cedric sucked air through his teeth and walked over to Harry, extending his hand  he offered to help harry up, taking Cedric's hand Harry brushed himself off "Thanks" he said "Don't mention it" Cedric smiled. The only reason why Cedric smiled was because he had put a note in Harry's palm while helping him up.

Harry realised that he had a note in his hand Cedric must've passed it to him while he was helping him up "Cedric you sly fox" he muttered, reading the words .

Meet me under the stadium alone.

Harry gulped and felt his cock twitch this could only mean one thing.

Cedric liked him back.

Harry made himself comfy on the bed the tent was huge on the inside and tiny on the outside "I love magic" he laughed. Later that night he'd followed everyone to the stadium, but he left the group to sneak underneath to meet Cedric. 

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