Chapter 3: A Hero's Journy

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In dark meadow fields, there was a land of peaceful treading, where violence was barely a thought. Despite fruitful peace, it held a void of darkness, an ancient temple hidden within a decayed forest devoid of thriving life, standing tall with a demonic presence. It was a special place, for it held evil unknown to anyone within its dark walls.

    Looking closer within the creepy temple, there laid a stone coffin containing carvings of a long-lost language. In the room where the coffins are set dormant, torches are lit in sapphire flames, markings filling with blood from origins forgotten. Evil rises.

    "Uuugh... where am... I?" the voice of Valor crept from within the locked coffin.

    Why is it so dark!? Who cut the lights!!!

    Honestly, why do you have to yell so vulgarly? I can barely hear anything.

    Shut it, Mr. Modesty! I am just curious where the fuck we are!

    "Good heavens... both of you shut up! I think I know where we are..." Valor feels the surroundings with hands that he thinks belong to him.

    Really? Tell us!

    "We are in some kind of stone box..."

    Is that all?

    It is very hard to see, we should try to get out of this enclosed space!

    I would have never come to that conclusion...

    Valor puts his new body to the test, he grapples the sides of the stone box and swings upwards with his leg to knock the cap off slightly. "That kinda works..." Now knowing that he can get out, he swings his legs even more times. Eventually, after a couple more swings, the cap to his enclosure falls off, gaining him the title of a free man. "Shit... that took more stamina than I thought..." His pants were growing loudly.

    Umm... I do not know how to say this, but we might want to look at our hands...

"What do you mean-" Valor, bringing up his own hands, discovers his skin to be pure white like snow. "Oh no..." Realizing what this could mean, he looks behind himself to discover a reptile-like tail waving across the air. "No... no no no! No! NO!" Valor panics, running out of the lore-filled room and into the desolate space that surrounds the temple.

    Oh, come on! It can not be that bad!

    Do you not remember what this species did?

    Oh... oh yeah...

    After coming to such a horrible realization of what species he was reincarnated as Valor collapses by a dead tree. "Dammit, Dammit! How could you do this, Lucifer! You bastard!" Horrified by his own body, Valor wouldn't calm down until his other personalities were able to convince him to focus on his breathing.

    Just focus on clearing your head, we need to focus so we can start our mission.

    Yeah! Just get your thoughts back in place! You are strong, you can not let this tear you down!

    "Fine... fine, I... will calm down..." Valor inhaled and exhaled big breaths of air, calming down his nerves to finally speak about his new body. "I can not believe that bastard made me reincarnate as a... Imp"

    The Imp is a humanoid demon that shares many characteristics with the human body, but if seen closer, the differences are clear as glass. When born, the average Imp has a starting height of six feet and a tail that can break through stone like water, they have skin as tough as iron. Though most of their proportions are normal at first sight, their arms are way out of sync, reaching down to their knees, allowing them to reach further. With three hearts and two oversized lungs, the Imp has the stamina to outrun a majority of predators, while being able to sustain themselves when being majorly injured. They're creatures of many properties, some not discussed and some unknown.

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